Finally Falling (Charlie Weasley)

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Okay so for this one, I'm not quite sure if I got the year difference of the Weasley siblings right, but I checked with Google and lmao I'm still not sure with it, so forgive me if I have made any mistakes with their year difference. This will also be in somehow a different writing style from my usual? It's not going to be different from it, but I'm going to add a different POV on it compared to when it's the usual one. 

If I'm not making much sense right now then please forgive me, I am very sleep deprived:)


Week 1

It still burns. My heart aches at every move. I can't breathe properly. I miss him. What happened? What went wrong? We were so happy, then things suddenly came crashing down. He didn't even give me an explanation as to why. He just wanted to end it. 

Was it me? Did I do something wrong? Did I suddenly repulse him? Dora reassured me that it wasn't me. That I wasn't the problem, but sometimes I have a hard time believing that. 

I knew I wasn't smart.. or brave... or ambitious in my life for that matter, but still... I was me, and I had a good heart. Was that it? Did he get bored? I was always aware that I wasn't the type he usually went out with, but everything felt so real between us.

He was the one for me...

But I apparently wasn't the one for him.

"Let's break up" he simply said, looking at me with a sense of tranquility.

"What?" I laughed, thinking it was a joke. He looked so at peace, it had to be a joke

"Let's break up" He repeats, finally looking at me and giving me a sad smile. He was serious about it. It wasn't a joke

"What? Why? Eveything was going so well" I quickly ask, not understanding why. I had met his family during Christmas and we all had fun. I don't understand

He just shrugged at my question, looking down at his shoes

"Just because"

"What do you mean 'just because'?" If he was going to do this then I atleast deserve an explanation. I need to know what went wrong. What happened

"Just because" he repeated "Let's break up just because. That's it"  he repeated, now shoving his hands in his pocket as he moved around

"There has to be a reason, Charlie. You don't just break up out of nowhere"  I push. He can't just break up with me over nothing. There has to be something. A detail I missed over the course of our relationship.

"Well I do" he answered back at my statement.

 I couldn't do anything but just stare back at this man. I couldn't recognize him. This wasn't the man that asked me out. No, he was different. This person in front of me, saying these words, is a stranger.

I slapped him. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was the anger? the fear? the insecurity creeping back it in? I don't know, but I slapped him. He did nothing. He didn't say anything. He just stood there with his face on the side from the impact.

I left. I left before I could break down. I left and went to find Dora. She did always say 'When in doubt, find Tonks" and I have never had more doubt in my life than now.

Week 2

I saw him the other day. He was with his friends. He caught me looking at him and instead of acting like I didn't exist, he smiled at me and gave me a wave. It would've been better if he had ignored me. Him knowing of my existence somehow hurt more. 

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