Not a Fairytale Beginning (James Sirius Potter)

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A/n: Some information here might be different from the original, so I hope you guys don't mind. I just had to fill in the blanks of this one shot.



I was going to kill him! I don't care if his father's the chosen one, he was going to die by my hands today I swear! I navigate my way through the train and look into each of the compartments, ignoring the bewildered look every student gave me.

"Listen to me-" Mavis tried to reason with me as she followed after me "Think about it. If you hurt him now then you're giving into the reaction he wants out of you"

"I don't bloody care! Look at me!" I turned around to make her look at me "I am covered in red dye with flower petals! And it doesn't even smell good! It smells absolutely horrid!" I turn back around and start finding that blasted man again. Finally finding him, I push open the compartment and feel myself get even more infuriated at his stupid smirk. He sat with his friends and his little brother's friends in the compartment.

"Oh why hello there, love" He mused "You look a little red there"

"You are sick, Potter" I hiss, holding my wand tight on my side

"Me? But you're the one who's red" He mocked shock and checked himself for his temperature

Taking a deep breath, I point it at his direction and utter a simple spell that dad had taught me to keep boys away. This spell had him falling onto the floor of the compartment as he clutched his family jewels. His brother helped him when it actually looked like he was in immense pain.

"That ought to teach you to not mess with me" I calp my hands together and leave their compartment with an accomplished smile on my face. Sure, it was horrible of me to do it, but it's not like he's gonna lose the ability to make children. All that spell did was imitate a woman's contraction in pregnancy. It'll go away in a minute or so.

Entering the compartment where my friends sat, Mavis narrowed her eyes at my accomplished look "What did you do?"

"I just gave him a taste of what it's like to be a mum" I grinned as I sat down and pulled each of the petals that clung onto me away.

"We aren't even going to ask what that means" Rose grimaced, pulling away a particularly gooey flower from my shoulder "What even happened with the both of you? I remember you guys being so close. You even went to their house ate some point!"

"Yeah, those were good days, but unfortunately" I laughed humorlessly "I guess things changed." Well he changed. During our 4th year, he suddenly got a growth spurt and started hanging around his dormmates more and more whilst we hung out less and less. And at some point, he played some sort of prank on me which made me retaliate and now we're here.

Seeing that I didn't want to talk about my past with him anymore, Mavis quickly changed the topic and talked of some boy that she had met at Diagon Alley. They were apparently writing back and forth from time to time over the summer.

"How 'bout you?" Rose inquired, looking at me "Any new interest on boys?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she spoke.

"Shut up," I laughed hitting her on the shoulder as I shook my head "I don't have time for that"

And because the guy I wanted is an asshole.


Not even a month has passed and I'm already running into trouble! Helga, I shouldn't be having trouble right now. Not when we're still in the early days of school.

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