Ties and Wrong Insinuations (Sirius Black)

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A/n: Sooo I did Sirius Black again since the idea sort of just popped in so suddenly. I'm kind of having a Sirius Black phase right now. Hope this was still enjoyed tho! And feel free to make requests


I didn't like gossip. I was part of the birds nest and we just didn't indulge ourselves in premature things such as gossip. We were far too intellectual for that - at least that's what I had thought. Because now, I found myself shifting from place to place because of the continuous gossip that people continued to share. I was at the Great Hall when it first started. It had been Boot and Morey to start it first. Getting sick of it, I had moved to the library. The only place where I could get peace and quiet, but apparently not. Wayne and Osten had been there, snickering about the new gossip.

Rowena, whatever this new gossip was certainly had our house chirping like morning birds. Thinking I could get peace in the common room, I go there and settle on one of the couches. It had been nice and silent for a bit before a crowd of students entered, each taking their own place around the common room. Most had started to talk amongst their groups of friends and completely ignored the rule that the Ravenclaw common room had; It's that we stay quiet and have silence out of respect.

"Have you heard?" Smith whispered from beside me towards Sheperd and Saleem. I really hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but you can't really help the curiosity of a Ravenclaw now, do you? Besides, whatever this gossip was, was so interesting that it had us losing our rules "Black has apparently been hanging out around the younger Lupin. Others say that he fancies the pants off of her"

I momentarily freeze at the new gossip before I turn back to my book. I knew that my movement hadn't gone unnoticed since Constance had put her hand on my knee, checking on me to see if I was okay - She heard it. She heard of the gossip as well.

"Are you okay?" She murmured lowly, knowing that I wouldn't want others to know and make a big deal off of some stupid crush.

"Yes I am, Constance. I mean honestly, it's Sirius Black. I'd be more shocked if I found out that he isn't bothering any more girls" She gives me a hesitant look before nodding.

"Exactly! They went on a date just last week!"
"You think they're a couple now?"

I try to go back to the page and sentence where I had stopped earlier, but I just can't seem to find myself immersed on the book - Rowena, why in the hell are these girls so loud! Having enough of it, I grab my book and ran to the dorms. Finding solace and comfort in my bed, I perch myself up on a chair that was by the window and continue my reading.

I knew Sirius Black. So I also knew how he always got into relationships. Merlin, the man was just in and out of them. The longest he'd gone was probably 2 weeks and even then, he already started pulling away from the girl. He was basically a notorious play boy and prankster that I'm shocked he even tried anything with his friends' sister. If he had the guts to do that then maybe this was serious for him.

Shaking my head, I steer my thoughts away from him. Rowena, I knew the boy. And because I knew him, I knew that I never stood a chance and that I shouldn't even try. I don't even know how I started liking him! The boy practically reeked of trouble, and trouble, was not something I wanted.

"Hey," Constance called. I breathed in sharply - When did she even get in? "You good? You had just left so abruptly and-"

"I'm good, Constance" I smiled at my friend "I really am" She had been the only person who found out about my crush on the older Black "I'll get over him. It's not like he's something so special that I'll die"

"Just asking" She shrugged, settling down on her own bed and pulling out loads of her reading material. At the sight of the Potions book, I remembered that I had to revise the lessons we had discussed. It's a weak subject of mine, so it's always good to be prepared. I honestly don't even know why I had signed up for that class, but I did and thus, I am now stuck with it.

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