Always Her (Severus Snape)

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"Hey Sev" I greeted, walking up to him under the comforting shade of the tree

He looked up at me then smiled before his eyebrows furrowed "Where's Lily?"

My smile faltered a little bit, but I brought it back up

"With the Marauders. We were walking here together when they stole her from me" I laughed, sitting down

"Oh... ok" he went back to reading his book

"So... What're you reading?"

"Potions. I'm getting ahead of our lessons" he said, his voice a little bored. Did he not want to hang out with me?


"So I could be prepared"

"Oh ok"

"Do you wanna walk around?" this was getting boring. Its practically like I never left the library, the only difference is that I'm not reading a book

"No thank you. If you want you can go. I'll just wait here in case Lily comes by" he smiled at me

I sigh. This all makes me wonder why it still hurts. Why my heart still aches when he yearns for her rather than me. I want to hate Lily so bad, but there's nothing to hate. She was kind, beautiful, charming and everything a guy would want.

"I... I could get Lily if you want" his head whipped up from the book and his eyes glimmered at me

"Really?" my heart ached

"Yeah sure... Anything for a friend" I got up and without sparing even a glance at Severus, I walked back to the castle to get Lily. I heard his repeated shouts of 'Thank you'. It's either he's very thankful for me getting Lily or he thought I couldn't hear his first shout of gratitude.

I shake my head, it didn't matter. It was still always gonna be her. I continue walking through the halls when I spot her with the Marauders

"Lils!" she turned to look at me and smiles

"Y/n, I thought you were with Sev?" she knew I liked him, so her being the good friend she is, tried to get me alone with him a couple of times, but she didn't realize that it was always her who he looked for.

I shook my head "He's looking for you and well... I told him I'd get you for him"

"Oh... ok then"

"Why do you girls even bother hanging out with Snivellus" Sirius sneered

"You do realize that you boys made him hate you right? You started this... war or whatever you call it between the two of you" I pointed out and he just rolled his eyes

"Oh, whatever. Lily flower's going to stay here with us" James clutched onto Lily's waist which just made her slap his arms off of her

"Come on Lils. I promised him" She nodded and went to walk back with me

"Y/n!" Remus shouted when we were a few feet away


"If the time comes and you get sick of Snivellus. You know where to find us!" Sirius shouted, shooting me a genuine smile before the four of them walked away

"Does Sirius know?" I asked Lils, my arm circled against hers

"Know about what?"


"Oh... He knows" we halt, I slowly crane my head to the side to look at her and she just gave me a nervous smile

"What?! What do you mean he knows? How?! Did you tell him?"

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