Gone and Gaunt (George Weasley)

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A/n: Some events with this one won't be corelating with the books. You'll notice that some of the events are a little misplaced along this oneshot.


I hated the animosity people had over those who simply didn't care for the same things they did. It always bothered my to my bones on how people made assumptions about others when they didn't know the full story or the actual situation behind close doors. And somehow, whenever they seemed to think that they have valuable information on a certain someone - they'd have no problem on sharing it to their friends. It's the thirst for gossip and drama that ran through their blood. I always found that part of humans as foolish and immature.

Even now as I sat in the great hall, minding my own business and having breakfast - I could hear the whispers and gossips that the students were saying about me. I was just doing something as ordinary as eating a skewered sausage, and they would have already made a new rumor just from that.

Most of the rumors they usually spoke about was about my family. In their stories, I was the ungrateful Gryffindor who held her head up too high and thought of herself as someone better than the rest. They didn't know the unrealistic expectations my family had on me, the Gaunts. It was bad enough that I was the only lion in the snake pit. According to my family, that was enough of an embarrassment. I couldn't carry on the name since I was female and I was housed in a lion's den. I apparently had to make up on everything else in my life because I was such a failure - But people couldn't know that. They weren't allowed to know that. As far as they're concerned, I was an ungrateful brat born in a family I didn't deserve. They were right about one thing though, I didn't deserve to be in the family I was born in. I deserved to be in a well loved and forgiving family.

They didn't know it though. They didn't know the secrets my family kept behind our perfect reputation. And they would live to never know it as long as my parents breathe. So they let these students tarnish and ruin my school life. A part of my life that I should've been enjoying - with friends and lovers. Now, mother and father were just raising me to be the perfect girl, so I could be sold off and become the perfect wife to the next powerful pureblood they see; most likely the Malfoys or Notts.

Having enough of the people that surrounded me, I push away my plate of food and head onto my next class. It doesn't matter that it's still early. I can do a little reading and just wait there. I exit the the great hall, feeling a hundred eyes on me, but it didn't matter. I was used to it. I had gotten used to it at such a young age that it's just child's play at this point.

Opening the door to the DADA's classroom, I settle down on my usually spot and take out my book. I'd do some reading and prepare myself for any questions that might come up later. With the new teacher, it was a mystery as to how this class will go. But so far from the dinner last night, I don't think she'll be a fun teacher. Although she's the type to make contacts with people like my parents, so it really only means one thing. That she's a teacher that showed sweetness and softness, but a real demon inside. It's always only people like that who associated with the family name, Gaunt.

"Oh!" A surprised voice sounded from the entrance, I turn around and see that it's that mistake wrapped in pink "And who might you be?" She asked, giving me a sickeningly sweet smile. She asked even though I could clearly see it in her eyes that she knew exactly who I was. Replicating her smile, I immediately stood up and gave her a respectful bow as a greeting before saying my full name.

"Oh! You're a Gaunt!" She excitedly spoke, walking towards me and having me sit back on the chair "And what might you be doing this early in class?"

"I wanted to do some advance reading and I didn't want to be late on the way" I smiled. The smile I usually gave to the people who went out of their way to be nice to me for my family name.

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