Approval (George Weasley)

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Hey! so lol this is probably the longest one I've made so far. I'm sorry lmao, but I really couldn't help it. I still hope you guys enjoy this though!

Some of the information and timeline things might be a little missed placed on this one as well. I sort of got the events a little mixed up, but I hope that it's still good enough


"Ahh, here we are" Mr. Weasley spoke as we arrived at the burrow. George squeezed my hand as we walked to the door.

"Oh, Georgie!" Mrs. Weasley gushed, walking to George and taking him in a hug

She turned to me and her eyes slightly hardened "Hello, dear" she gave me a tight-lipped smile before giving me a short hug. I wasn't oblivious to the way Mrs. Weasley treated me compared to the others. It really wasn't that much of a secret that she didn't like me for George and she didn't bother trying to hide it. Nevertheless, George still wanted me to come over and bond with his family, so I did.

"It's good to see you, Mrs. Weasley," I said with a smile

"You too, dear" she snapped her head back to George and held his wrist "Come on them. Everyone else is inside"

"Wait- Mum-" he tried to speak as she led him away, his free hand outstretched to hold onto me

"Oh, she'll be fine, won't you, dear?" Mrs. Weasley looked at me and I just nodded, smiling apologetically at George, "See?" then she led him away.

Sighing, I walk into the burrow and am met with the whole Weasley clan - except for Percy and Charlie- including the golden trio and Fleur, Bill's current girlfriend. I smiled as I saw her and approached her. She was talking to Bill about something when she saw me and gave me a wave.

"Hey, Bill" I greeted, walking to the two of them

"Hey, where's Georgie?" He asked as he noticed that I entered alone

"Mrs. Weasley took him away for something" I explained. They both smiled sadly at me at the mention of Mrs. Weasley. Bill felt bad for having his mom treat me like that, but he couldn't really do anything whilst Fleur related to me the most. She had also felt the dislike of Mrs. Weasley when she was first brought, even now, nothing much has changed which was why we more-or-less went to each other for comfort, since we were both experiencing the same thing.

"Come come," Fleur wrapped her arms around my shoulders, then turned to Bill "I'll just bring her to Ginny's room, okay?" Bill nodded, kissing her cheek before walking off to talk to others.

Fleur led me up the stairs to Ginny's room, where me, Hermione, and Fleur along with Ginny always slept whenever we stayed over

"I just don't understand, Fleur" I started speaking once we entered the room. She closed the door behind her and led me to sit on the bed "It's been 2 years and she still doesn't like me. Godric, what am I doing wrong?"

"You are not doing anything wrong, Y/n. George loves you and zat's(that's) all zat(that) matters" she spoke and I groaned even further

"He hasn't said the 'I love you' yet" I mumbled and she gasped

"Oh, I'm so sorry"

"It's alright, Fleur. You didn't know" I sighed "I just- What in the wizarding world am I doing wrong?"

She was about to say something when a knock came on the door

"Oui?" Fleur spoke, walking to the door

"It's time for dinner? Bill said you two would be up here" Ginny spoke

"Oh alright, we'll be down in a minute," I said, she nodded before leaving and going down the stairs again

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