Untouchable (Draco Malfoy)

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Soooo sorry for the late post, but things have been hectic in school lately. With exams and a ton of performance tasks, I was barely able to update this, but nevertheless I'll still try my best to post


"Zabini!" A voice rang from the Great Hall before my friend and I could even take any further steps to our table

"Salazar, lets go" I grip Daphne's hand, getting ready to walk out the great hall again when the blasted man who shouted my name appeared in front of me

"What do you what, Malfoy?" I roll my eyes at the stupid antics of the idiotic and spoilt boy

"You" he winked. My face scrunches up at the action before I straighten my back and reply

"Go talk to Pansy. Merlin only knows why that girl is so blastedly in love with you"

"Jealous, are we?" he teased as Crabbe and Goyle now appeared at his sides. Salazar, even his goons looked stupid. How did Blaise even end up being friends with him

"No, just grossed out. Now, if you excuse me. I need my breakfast for Quidditch later." I turn around and instead make my way to the seat farthest from his on the Slytherin table, stopping on my way, I turn to him

"Don't be late, Malfoy" I say before walking farther to the table and taking a seat beside my brother.

"Hex him" I immediately say, turning to face Blaise as I sat down

"It's all games, dear sister. He knows I don't want you dating"

"Well tell him to stop with the games!" Blaise just laughed at that, shaking his head as Malfoy abandoned his seat with Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle and instead sat on the other side of Blaise

"Salazar," I groan, placing my head on the table "make it stop"

This 'game' as they call it has literally gone on long enough. Malfoy knew he couldn't step over the boundaries Blaise had placed regarding me, but Salazar, that didn't stop him from playing whatever sick thig he has in his head.

"You're a useless brother" I mutter, angrily taking a bite out of my pancakes in which Daphne only laughed at

"I'm not a useless brother. You're just uptight" Blaise tutted

"I'm telling mum"

"And I'm telling step daddy number 9" He teased

"Shameless git"

"Boring bitch"

"O-Kay! Both of you stop and let's all eat peacefully, yeah?" Draco cutted in, suddenly appearing between Blaise and I and scooting in the space between us

"Hello there, love" he grinned as he turned to me.

"What do you exactly get out of this, Malfoy?" I question

"I don't know what you're talking about" He just smirks at me as he continues to annoy me. Salazar, the urge to send this man into oblivion is high

"I'm gonna go now. McGonagall isn't exactly always forgiving to Slytherins" I spoke as I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder. I turn to Draco and give him a look when I saw that he too was starting to pack up his things

"Stay, Draco. Stay" He listened and before I could even stop myself from saying it- "Good boy" I felt heat crawl up my neck and I sprinted to Transfiguration before any of them could make a comment

Salazar, what was I even thinking. How could that have slipped from my mouth!

"You good, Zabini?" Flint asked me as we crossed paths. I only nod at the boy in response and rush off

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