Ch.8-First Date

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At exactly 6:00pm his brother picked me up (Jasper was in the car but hes not old enough to drive)

       I got in the truck it was red.There wasnt enough seats so I had to sit next to Jasper meaning we had to share a seat.

            That wasnt bad at all I got to sit closer to him more than I ever would have at school.
I didnt have any leg room so I had to put my legs on his lap.

              We got there and you would of never guessed it was the...........................BEACH!!!!

I started to run then I reached the last part of sand where right infrount was the water.

             Then i remembered that I was a mermaid.
Jasper said"come on over here I have a picnic set out for us."

Us uhhhhhh i was melting inside when he said that it truly was love at first sight.

                      I sat down right next to him it was begining to be sunset. 
We saw the sun go down and set and at the last second we got closer and closer to each other.
     His lips where centmeters away then he closed his eyes I did the same and we.................


We actualy kissed my first kiss and It was with someone who I really connect with.Dam why did I do that?


Then he grabed my hand and we got up and kissed again.

        He broke the kiss and said"grab my hand I want to show you something"

I followed him we went into the waves.

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