Ch.48-Another Witch???

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He asked me"do you want to go back now?It is the only place that we can go tonight."

I asked"what time is it?"

He said"umm 12:00am"

I said"oh than lets go inside"

He said"no your really tired let me carry you"

I was picked up and one of his ams was under my nees he held me and he put his other hand on my back.Bridal style!

He carried me inside he set me down on the couch.

I got up and said"I need to change but what should I where?"

He said"well let me see where Ash is and I will ask him if he has any cloths laying around"

I layed back on the couch and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~James POV~~~~~~

I went upstairs and went to go looking for Ash.

I walked into a room with red walls and dragon posters everywhere.

I said"Ash"

He said"what do you want James I thought you and Milly where not comming back"

I asked"do you have any cloths for Milly to change into to go to sleep?"

He said"me no my sister yes follow me"

I followed him to a different hallway upstairs.

He said"okay well we cant get inside only girls can"

I said"oh great let me go get Milly"

I went back down and picked up Milly and brought her to the door.

She said"ummmm Jasper where am I?"

I said"your at Ash's house and you need cloths so you have to go into Ash's sister's room."

I picked her up and super speeded upstairs.

Ash said"Be careful she is a witch"

Me and Milly asked "WITCH?????"

She said"last time I meet a witch she winded almost killing me so I dont think I like them"

Ash said"well you will like my sister shes actually really nice."

~~~~~~~~~~Milly POV~~~~~~~~~

I got out of James arms and knoked on the door.

A voice behind the door said"who is it?'

I said"ummm Milly I need cloths can I borrow any?"

She said"Milly as in Milly princess of the merpeople relm?"

I said"yep thats me"

She opened the door and grabbed me into her room.

I saw cobble stone walls and a huge bed.The floors where mapel wood.

She asked"so what kind of style do you like"

I said"oh well I dont know really "

She said"oh well we will find out what type of style you are"

She grabbed me into her closet.

I saw mostly black cloths.

She said"oh wow I havent introduced myself yet im Zoey"

I said"oh well nice to meet you Zoey"

She said"do you see anything you like?"

I said"wow you like black dont you?"

Zoey said"well yes and no I change the colors of my cloths with a simple spell."

I said"cool ahhh I love this can you change it blue?"

She said"sure"

I put it on her bed and she said the spell ad it turned blue.

Its a blue half shirt thats tight to my chest and its strapless.

I put it on and went to go find jeans.

I found washed out denim jeans.

I put them on and all I need now is shoes.

She said"hu I have boots,convers,vans,and toms....which one would you like?"

I said"TOMS!"

She snaped her fingers and a door opened in her closet.

I walked in and she had every type of toms out there.

I picked out some blue ones that where glitter.

I said"these"

She said"okay put them on and here is a bag of new cloths and shoes for your journey.".

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