Ch.32-Book Of Shadows!

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I walked over to the book and saw it had multipal locks on it.

She said"well it will only opean it you touch the center of the pentagram(star) and as long as you have a pure heart it will open."

I placed my finger down on the pentagram,closed my eyes,thought of me being a mermaid and Jasper.

I opened my eyes and the book was open.

Willow said"Now see if you can read some spells"

I said"okay"

I read some spells:Love spells,Dream spells,money spells,health spells,protection spells,you name it the book had it!

I stoped at a spell to fly.

I said the chant three times as instructed and Willow said something in another language that I couldnt understand.

I asked her"what did you say?"

she said"oh,that spell doesnt work I just said a anti-work spell to protect you from any harmful misshapes"

I said"oh,thanks?What kind of misshaps?"

Willow said"well your eyes might of changed color to black eyes,never be in love again,nails grow long,hair grows long in a minute,or even death."

I said"oh thanks for saying an anti-work spell on me then"

She said"my honor!"

I said"well it was great meeting you and comming over but I must go!"

She said"I wouldnt do that if I was you!"

I asked"why not?"

She said"because,its 12:00am so vampires are out to hunt,also evil wiches cast spells whenever they please."

I said"so im stuck here until tomarrow?"

She knoded like if this was her intention after all.


Is Willow the kind of wich she clames to be?

What shall happen next?



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