Ch.36-My Weakness

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As I was about to say something I heard a horn comming from the back of the house.

She said"well....well..looks like it will soon be the end of you,....soon!"

I said"oh yeah,is that right bitch Eris?

She said"It will trust me!"

Then she dissapered through the door way.

I was still tied up and I needed to get out quick.

I closed my eyes and was thinking I can get through this right?

Then something got me out of my focus.

I heard a scream of pain and I opened my eyes then everything went and dissapered into the darkness.

When I awoke I saw a man that I recongnise but can't put my finger on it!

I looked to my right and there was......Jasper!

I gasped because he was knocked out with a black eye and brusies all over his arms.

Willow\Eris said"I tould you I knew what your weakness was!"

She then laughed the most evil laugh.

I said"Shut up you evil bitch and basterd!"

Then they stoped Hu?I really didnt think that was gonna work!

Then some light came through the window.

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