Ch.40-My plan to escape!

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Dusk and Eris took us into a cell and put us in there togather.

It was all made of stone but with a iron magic proof gate.

Since I already tried my powers on it to melt the bars I knew it was magic proof.

Jasper took my hand into his and said"I love you Milly and I know we can get out of here togather"

I said"I love you too,but how are we going to get out you know alive?"

He said"we have been captured before so I think we can get out again!"

I said "I don't know let's see"

Then I heard a door open then slam close.

Dusk walked in dragging in the unknown body.

Dusk threw the body into a cell right infrount of me and Jaspers cell.

Dusk walked out of the cell room and left.

The body woke up and asked"where am I?"

I said"you are being held captive with us by a vampire and a witch.What's your name?"

The body said"my name is Asher but you can call me ash"

I said"what are you Ash?"

He said"I'm a Dragon"

I said"wow cool a dragon.So you can breath fire?"

He said"yeah and I would show you but I don't have enough energy to do so"

I said "oh"because I was really disappointed I really wanted to see him breath fire!

I said "well here is the plan to escape"

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