Ch.50-Merworld & Epilogue

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I yelled "Mom dad what are you two doing here?"Then I swam over and gave them a big huge.

~~~~~~Milly's Moms POV~~~~

Its been so long since the last time I have seen my baby girl.

I would of cried when I saw her but I was too overjoyed to see her and because I was underwater too.

I said"Oh Jasper your her boyfriend your part of the family.Family huge!"

He joined in and we where all hugging.

I said"Milly,invite Jasper to dine with us tonight in the palace."

~~~~~~~~~~~Milly pov~~~~~~

"okay will do"

I asked Jasper"would you like to dine with us for lunch in the palace?"

He said"yes,of course I want to get to know your family better"

~~~~~~~Dylan Pov~~~~

My parents called from Merkingdom and tould me that they found Milly.I will be there at lunch but right now I have to tell Juliet what I am.

"Juliet can I tell you something?"

She said "of course Dylan anything"

I said "okay here it is I'm a merman"

"okay I don't believe you when I see you then I will!"

I poured water on myself and I grew my long green with gold specks tail.

She said"okay now I believe you"then fainted.

I cought her unconscious body in my arms.

My tail grew back to legs and then she awoke.

"Dylan I thought you where a....a...a"


"yeah how did you know?"

"Because I am!"

Then she did something I was not exspecting she kissed me!

~~~~~~Millys pov~~~~~~~~

»»»»»»fastforward to lunch

Jasper sat next to me ,Dylan was net to me and Juliet,Thomas next to my mom and dad.

We all talked and ate underwater(that was the whole planet water.)

Juliet was the only human but my father granted her with invisable gills.

I'm glade my parents like Jasper!

~~~~~~~~~Epilogue/going to next book

After lunch we all came home which was Earth.

After a few months everything......well maybe not everything went back to normal,somewhat.

Juliet and Dylan where now engauged.

Jasper turned 15.

Thomas passed 4th grade and was going to go into 5th next year.

I got a few more powers and grew 3inchs so now I'm 5foot 3in.

If you wondering yes me and Jasper are togather and are still madly in love.I know I will be in love with him for at least.....forever!

~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~

I'm really sad this book has ended but I am making a second book!This book series is called:Shinning Sea series

Look for book 2 comming soon!July.20th!

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