Costume party

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Rila update her status
Guys tonight costume party on the beach, to show that you are coming change your name to what your coming as. Meet at the beach at 7:00. And Dad can you make the beach bigger. If you can thank you.
Many people commented.
Aqua man: okay
Superman: done
Robin Hood: yup
Mechanic: done, who's coming as Robin Hood
Robin Hood: not telling
Princess: done
Frog: okay
Singer: alright
Camera girl: read
Batman: ready
Fisher man: ready
Mail man: me too.
Bartender: I haven't partied in ages.
School girl: finally a break
Hunter: yes
Doctor: I'm ready to party
Dark one: oh can I come too.
Robin Hood: Lord Hades you don't have to ask.
Keeper of the dead: that's not me.
Robin Hood: ???
Dark one: dearie it's me.
Robin Hood: hey, sure you can come.
Aqua man: who's the dark one
Robin Hood: someone should read more fairy tales.
Dark one: what was that.
Robin Hood: nothing.

Message from Author.
Robin Hood: Rila
Aqua man: Percy
Superman: Jason
Batman: Nico
Mechanic: Leo
Camera girl: Annabeth
Singer: Piper
Princess: Hazel
Frog: Frank
Fisherman: Poseidon
Mail man: Hermes
King: Zeus
Queen: Hera
Hunter: Artemis
Doctor: Apollo
Bartender: Mr. D.
Keeper of the dead: Hades
Dark one: Rumplestiltsken

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