After the party

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Robin Hood updated her status
Hope you guys enjoyed the party
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Percy: you forgot to change your name back
Rila: oops, just fixed it.
Robin Hood: you forgot to invite me.
Rila: I said anyone was invited.
Robin Hood: oh
Rila: I'll steal with you later
Percy: you steal!!!
Rila: maybe
Dark one: couldn't make it.
Percy: who are you
Dark one: Rumple, Rumplestiltsken
Percy: Rila you know Rumplestiltsken
Rila: yes
Leo: that's so cool
Connor: has anyone seen Travis
Rila: no
Robin Hood: yes
Connor: Rila did you change your name again.
Rila: no
Robin Hood: I did see your friend Travis.
Connor: you did, where are you.
Robin Hood: in camp at the Apollo cabin
Rila: where's Rowan then.
Robin Hood: Regina's babysitting him.
Rila: okay
Connor: where's Travis, Robin Hood.
Robin Hood: I saw him go in his cabin.
Connor: thanks
Connor: found him he's asleep.
Dionysus: best party in forever.
Rila: thanks mr.d
Dionysus: your welcome Riley Hide
Rila: almost.
Leo: Rila what's your last name
Rila: not telling
Robin Hood: oh can I tell him
Rila: no
Robin Hood: please
Rila: fine I don't care.
Robin Hood: yay. Her last name is Hood. I'm her uncle
Leo: cool. So your her moms brother, one of you was a demigod, cool.
Robin Hood: no we're twins.
Leo: Twin demigods children of Apollo, that's funny. So do you have twin children.
Robin Hood: no that was my sister.
Rila: I have a twin
Robin Hood: had a twin she died right after she was born.
Rila: no :(
Percy: :(
Leo: there was two of you.
Regina the queen: hey Robin, Rowan misses you.
Mary Margaret: hi Rila
Emma Swan: finally we found your Facebook page
Percy: who are you
Rila: friends
Emma Swan: are you coming back to Storybrooke soon.
Rila: yeah I'll be back soon. Camp friends do you guys want to come to Storybrooke, the town with magic.
Percy: sure
Leo: I'll go any were with you
Piper: I'd love to come
Jason: me too
Annabeth: same here
Nico: sure, I want to meet the dark one.
Dark one: who are you
Nico: I'm Nico son of Hades
Dark one: oh.
Hazel: me and frank would love to come.
Rila: you guys are going to love Storybrooke
Henry: hey Rila your bringing your friends cool
Leo: who's Henry.
Rila: just a friend and why do you care
Leo: no reason
Percy: ignore Leo, he has this huge crush on my sister.
Henry: Rila never told me she had a brother.
Percy: she just found out recently
Henry: oh.
*Private chat*
Percy: so what's the dark one like
Henry: he's cool
Dark one: thanks dearie
Percy: hey how did you get in here this is a private chat
Dark one: I have my ways
Henry: please mr. Gold this is a private chat.
Dark one: okay
Percy: so how long have you known my sister.
Henry: for a few months
Percy: she said she's been to camp before
Henry: she was on a quest here. She found some family and stayed
Percy: ok I have to go kill some monsters
Henry: kill some monsters for me.
*back to comments *
Rila: so when should we come to Storybrooke
Mary Margaret: it's peaceful now, don't know how long it will last
Rila: hey guys how does leaving tomorrow sound
Leo: good I'll prepare the Argo II
Hook: what's that mate
Leo: who are you 'mate'
Hook: Captain Hook
Leo: okay
Hook: so what's the Argo II
Leo: my ship
Hook: oh...
Red: hey
Rachel: Who are you
Red: red riding hood
Rachel: oh.
Rila: say hi to Granny for me
Red: okay, she says hi

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