Seaweed Brain

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Amelia updated her status:
Help Me!!!! I'm drowning!!!!
Percy: Oh My Gods!!! I'm coming to save you
Annabeth: Seaweed brain, reread Amelia's post again
Lea: I wonder how long until he figures it out
Percy: I don't see anything wrong with it. She said she was drowning.
Annabeth: Amelia is a daughter of.....
Percy: Poseidon, she's my sister
Annabeth: Poseidon is the God of the.....
Percy: Sea
Annabeth: therefore she can't......
Percy: eat fish, well she wouldn't eat fish, now  I gotta go help Amelia
Clara: 😂😂 this is the funniest thing ever
Megan: He seriously doesn't realize it does he
Marlene: no one tell him
Percy: tell me what??????
Luna: nothing
Amelia: help!!!! I'm drowning!!!!!!!!!!!!
Percy: I said I was on my way, I'm at the other side of camp
Piper: I wonder if the Stolls are filming
Connor: yup
Travis: I fell off my chair laughing
Percy: what is so funny about someone drowning
Leo: this has been going on for ten minutes
Larkin: lol
Lucy: Amelia's a daughter of
Percy: Poseidon, we've already been through this
Erin: Poseidon is the god of the sea, so Amelia can't.......
Percy: wait a second, she can't drown.... AMELIA
Amelia: 😂I can't stop laughing, I meant to say I was drowning in homework but I accidentally pressed post, I was going to fix it but you commented. 😂😂😂
Vanessa: even Nico is laughing
Nico: 😂 nice prank

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