Chapter 56

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I will be doing chapters like this until chapter 60 to celebrate almost 3K reads and 60 chapters
Leo updated his status:
Do you like waffles?
Amelia: yes I like waffles
Larkin: do you like pancakes
Lucy: yes I like pancakes
Megan: do you like French toast
Marlene: yes I like French toast
Zeus: what the hades are you doing
Hades: don't use my name to curse. Seriously how would you feel if I started saying what the Zeus
Poseidon: do you need some Khoine for that burn
Yasmine: good one lord Hades
Travis: I got a pic of this
Connor: lord Zeus being burned by lord Hades
Zeus: ggggrrrrrrr
Travis: MY PHONE
Hermes: not again seriously... Wait how are you typing than
Travis: um... Oh lol my phone still works
Erin: some people think lol means lots of love
Clara: they're just like "great gran just died LOL"
Lea: that's just awkward moment number 5001
Percy: that awkward moment when you rely on auto correct to help spell the word awkward
Clara: that awkward moment when you forget your awkward moment
FanGirlTheAwesome: that awkward moment when you can't think of an awkward moment
Luna: lol

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