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Amelia updated her status:
Percy can we get a cat pleeeeaaaase
Percy: um...
Amelia: well, I kinda fell I love with this cat at the pet store and he's in the cabin now...
Percy: Amelia...
Larkin: what's his name?
Amelia: Kitty
Percy: Amelia, I guess you can keep him
Leo: Aww so cute but not as cute as me
Megan: super cute
Piper: make sure the Aphrodite cabin doesn't get their hands on him
Drew: hey, we have Facebook too you know, and we love cute animals.
Amelia: just don't beatify my cat. NO MAKEUP OR CLOTHES ON MY CAT.
Drew: fine, at least send us a pic
Amelia has posted a picture
Drew: soooooo cute
Zeus: #can i get a cat
Aphrodite: I need cute animals, eeeeee
Poseidon: Zeus why are you asking to get a cat, you're king.
Zeus: #oh yea
Zeus: #we re all getting cats
Aphrodite: yay cute animals, Hephaestus I'll need a machine that picks up cat poop.
Hephaestus: um... Okay.
Erin: well it can't be that bad... Wait will cat poop be trown from olympus onto earth.
Zeus: #Um...
Leo: hey who's throwing poop at me
Marlene: oh my gods.
Amelia: I think I just died... Of laughter
Amelia: somebody help... Can't breathe.
Percy: I'm coming, I'm coming.
Amelia: oooookkkkaaayyy
Percy: Athena I know it's you throwing cat poop at me.
Athena: as the mortals say, aw crap.
Annabeth: mom, that was a pun, a bad pun.
Stolls: now we get it.
Hades: let's take that pun and shove it into Tartarus
Nico: oh my gods
Hey campers, I'm home, I couldn't update when I got home on Sunday, but I still managed to update. Exams are coming. 😒. So updates will be coming in MUCH SLOWER. If you guys have exams/tests/quizzes good luck.

If demigods had Facebook (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now