The Gods have an arguement

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Zeus updated his status:
We took care of Mysterious. No need to thank us. As the kids say *cough* no need to thank me *cough*
Hermes: HEY! I defeated Mysterious. I tracked it down. You used my laptop to watch Porn and that was it.
Jason: DAD!
Thalia: that is disgusting
Artemis: father! How could you?
Zeus: what?! I was only looking at Apollo's uncleared history on the laptop.
Artemis: Brother! Shame on you.
Apollo: Dad! Don't blame this on me. I always use the incognito tag when looking at porn.
Will: *face palm*
Nico: lol
Hermes: Hades watches porn too. Most of the gods do, except for me.
Demeter: hey! You watch it too.
Aphrodite: no goddess would be caught dead watching that
Skylar: um.... Hi I'm a new camper. Daughter of Poseidon.
Percy: cool a sister! My other sister went missing.
Amelia: I'm new too.
Percy: omg Amelia your back!
Amelia: my name is Amelia Holmes. Daughter of Poseidon. I just arrived today at camp.
Poseidon: I have two daughters named Amelia. That makes it confusing I guess.
Leo: Dad? Do you watch porn?
Hephaestus: Maybe... Yes
Dionysus: I watch Nymph porn.
Piper: will you stop talking about Porn
Hazel: what's porn
Leo: I'll tell her 😀
Frank: don't you dare
Nico: if you tell her I swear to the gods of Olympus.
Hazel: never mind I looked it up on Urban Dictionary... Shame on you all.
Kronos: I love porn.
Annabeth: All gods who watch porn, leave.
Zeus has logged off
Poseidon has logged off
Hades has logged off
Hermes has logged off
Ares has logged off
Kronos has logged off
Apollo has logged off
Hephaestus has logged off
Vanesa: well this was embarrassing
Skylar: is it always like this?
Vanesa: sometimes worse.
Amelia: oh gods.

Author's Note
A few days ago I discovered (I asked.) that all my guy friends had at least once watched porn. I HAVE NEVER WATCHED PORN. I can assure you all. So this chapter is dedicated to Anabethmoore74 I am so sorry that this chapter is so weird. I didn't have any inspiration.

If demigods had Facebook (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora