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Sadie updated her status:
Who are you guys???
Amelia: How the Hades did you find this Facebook page
Carter: what's going on
Larkin: Leo...
Leo: sorry...
Bast: don't be alarmed, I gave them access
Amelia: who are you people???
Percy: I'm scared
Poseidon: hey, bast haven't heard from you in a while
Bast: hey Poseidon
Amelia: who are you?????
Bast: I'm the Egyptian cat goddess
Leo: there are other gods,
Bast: yup
Sadie: so who are you guys?
Poseidon: I am Poseidon greek god of the sea
Amelia: and that's my Dad
Percy: same here
Carter: children of the gods
Leo: so are you guys demigods
Sadie: no we're hosts of the gods
Amelia: that's cool
Carter: and magicians
Leo: like those guys who pull rabbits out of hats
Megan: oh my gods Leo
Carter: no, we are users of magic
Leo: oooooooohhhhhhh
Erin: please ignore Leo
Marlene: He's kinda always like this
Luna: yup
Sadie: okay will do.
Leo: you can't ignore me, all the ladies love Leo.
Larkin: the only ladies who love you are me and maybe Amelia
Amelia: Hey I don't
Lea: hey guys come out of your cabins and watch this, Amelia and Larkin are fighting.
Sadie: well I guess there gone to watch a fight, what now
Carter: hey let create are own group for magicians all over the world.

If demigods had Facebook (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now