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Zeus updated he's status
#omg I just found out about the hashtag
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Poseidon: Amelia I think I'll need to stay longer at camp.
Amelia: no problem dad, Rila and Riley are on a quest so there's a lot of space
Connor: :(
Nico: I miss Rila
Amelia: *pats Nico's back* don't worry Nico, she'll come back
Zeus: oh no they didn't
Hades: oh yes they did
Larkin: WTH
Amelia: Holy Crap there talking Aphrodite cabin
Drew: omg Zeus u r tots right
Amelia: #what... I didn't understand a thing you just said
Drew: #only cool people know what I just said
Zeus: #im tots cool
Hades: #lets take a selfie
Poseidon: you know what I'll just live at camp.
Hades posted a picture
Hades: #duck face
Zeus: #told u not to post that 1
Hades: # y
Zeus:# my beard wasn't styled yet
Amelia: :o
Larkin: he's completely girly girl
Jason: Oh My Gods Dad
Thalia: Jason's right
Coral: dad stop embarrassing me
Jason: who are you
Coral: the new camper, claimed two minutes ago
Jason: cool
Ashley: Dad, how could you.
Ashely: I'll be more dark if you stop.
Hades: Finally
Zeus: #no, i m alone
Hades: yeah I think I'll live at camp too.
Zeus: #where is everyone
Poseidon: not telling
Demeter: there's a note in the cereal
Hermes: why would you put a note in the cereal
Demeter: because we have so much cereal and he'll never find the note
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