Merry Christmas

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Sally updated her status:
Hello kids. I made some blue cookies. Percy brought them to camp. Percy remember to share.
Travis: Thanks Mrs. Jackson.
Sally: please call me Sally.
Amelia: thanks Sally. Percy told me it isn't Christmas without your cookies.
Skylar: your cookies are amazing Sally.
Vanessa: sooooo good
Jason: so I wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas from camp Jupiter.
Leo: hey Amelia 🌿 (mistletoe.)
Amelia: 😘💋
Leo: Oh My Gods. I just got Facebook kissed. THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER.
Amelia: ☺️
Nico: 😂😂😂 Hazel you can Facebook kiss Frank. Vanessa, you can't Facebook kiss.
Piper: Merry Christmas. Everyone. My dad is forcing me to go to some Christmas party.
Drew: I'll go for you.
Piper: that's the nicest thing you've ever done for me. Thanks Drew
Drew: yes, I get to go to a party.
Piper: sadly my dad won't let you take my place for the
Party but I can bring you as a guest...
Drew: I'll distract your dad so you can sneak out to see Jason.
Connor: wow, Piper and Drew are getting along. It's a Christmas miracle.
Hazel: oh my gods. Frank just kissed me under mistletoe. So romantic.
Nico: you did well Zhang.
Frank: thanks Nico.

--Authors note--
I'm sorry this is so short I'm just too excited to write but I wanted to write a chapter today. Merry Christmas everyone. 🎅🏻🎄🎁
-Amelia 🌺

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