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Amelia updated her status:
Guys we have a new camper. :)
Percy: who
Erin: That would be me.
Piper: welcome to camp, have you been claimed yet.
Erin: yes,
Piper: parentage?
Erin: Tyche goddess of luck
Leo: I need luck, I have a test in an hour.
Larkin: I told you to study
Leo: but that's boring
Amelia: Erin please ignore Leo, last time there was a new camper he wanted her to sing let it go
Megan: he still does
Marlene: thank the gods Larkin keeps him under control
Erin: I will take of that
Zeus: #omg hi do u speak #
Amelia: crap we forgot to tell her about that
Erin: what are you try to say Zeus
Zeus: #im gonna go play FNAF 2
Erin: okay then
Amelia: yup that's about as close as you get to normal here.
Zeus: #im tots normal, right
Poseidon: I am not going to answer that
Leo: don't worry Zeus your normal
Larkin: aren't you supposed to be taking a test
Leo: maybe...
Larkin: put your phone away
Leo: crap I think the teacher say me, got to go bye.
Amelia: ten drachmas says he go this phone taken away
Erin: I'm in
Marlene: me too
Megan: I bet twenty
Larkin: I bet he did get his phone taken away, 40 drachmas
Amelia: wow...
Argo 2: the teacher took my phone away... This is Leo by the way.
Larkin: how are you on Facebook right now
Argo 2: emergency phone
Amelia: how is this an emergency
Argo 2: it just is.
Amelia: we win the bet, Larkin...
Larkin: fine here
Amelia: ladies we are ten drachmas richer
Erin: yeah
Marlene: :)
Megan: I'm gonna buy stuff now
Amelia: me too
This chapter is dedicated to xXrainicornsXx
-Amelia F. 🌺

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