Q & A part 1

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Amelia🌺: hello everyone welcome to the first ever Q&A.

Crowd: yaaaaaaaay

Amelia🌺: *scowls* crowd be quiet or you can leave


Amelia🌺: okay first question asked by horses5ful : what would you be if you weren't demigods?

Octavian: I would be alive...
Leo: I would be with my mom would be alive, so I would be with her.
Percy: probably stuck with smelly Gabe...
Piper: in a movie or something that my dad forced me to do.
Jason: Thalia would probably be taking care of me.
Thalia: taking care of Jason.
Hazel: I wouldn't be alive... But I probably would have ended up marrying Sammy.
Frank: I would be in the army.
Reyna: I would be hanging out with Hylla
Annabeth: I would be at school studying to be an architect; but if I wasn't a demigod then I probably would have different interests... So I don't know what I would be studying.
Nico: I would probably be dead.
Will: I would be sad because Nico died before I met him.
Amelia🌺: Will if you weren't a demigod then you wouldn't have met Nico.
Will: fine. I would be studying to be a doctor.

Amelia🌺: next question. For Frank. This one is from me... I'm a hockey fan so don't judge me. What's your favourite Canadian hockey team?

Frank: The Vancouver Canucks.
Amelia🌺: wrong
Frank: but you asked what my favourite hockey team is.
Amelia🌺: and it's the wrong team.
Frank: okay then what's the right answer then.
Amelia🌺: the best hockey team ever!!!!
Frank: can you be more specific.
Frank: ...
Amelia🌺: what they're the best
Frank: I thought this was a question for me.
Amelia🌺: it was.
Frank: I am sooo confused
Amelia🌺: never mind then...

Amelia🌺: so Leo I have a question for you.

Leo: ask away.
Amelia🌺: will you go on a date with me?
Leo: sure :).
Calypso: HES MINE.
Amelia🌺: don't make me push you into Tartarus.
Percy: ohhhhhhhhhhhh
Leo: wow two girls fighting over me. Someone start filming.
Annabeth: Amelia🌺 ask another question.

Amelia🌺: To Nico: can I give you a hug?

Nico: who asked that?
Amelia🌺: every Percy Jackson FanGirl everywhere.
Nico: no you cannot give me a hug.
Amelia🌺: please?
Nico: no
Amelia🌺: 😭
Will: it wouldn't kill you to give hugs you know.

Amelia🌺: so PERCABETH when are you getting married?

Annabeth: we're waiting till were a bit older but the rest is up to Percy.
Percy: how old is a bit older??? Because I want to marry you now.
Annabeth: at least 2 more years. Awwwwww Seaweed brain.
Amelia🌺: I am going to die of cuteness...

Amelia🌺: so that is all the time for now... Join us next time for part 2 and don't forget to ask more questions!

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