New camper

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Amelia updated her status
Guys we have a new camper
Luna: hi
Larkin: hello
Marlene: who's your godly parent
Luna: Athena
Annabeth: welcome the Athena cabin
Luna: thank you
Zeus: #omg hi
Luna: ???
Amelia: we forgot to her about Zeus. Zeus speaks #
Luna: ookay
Amelia: not many people can actually understand what he says
Luna: I'll take note of that
Erin: why does Zeus talk like that any was
Amelia: no one knows
Thalia:it's embarrassing
Jason: yeah
Nico: you should have seen when Hades was talking like that. Everyone was thinking What the Hades
Hades: I heard that
Amelia: not again.
Luna: wow, this is more entertaining than I thought
Amelia: get Facebook they said it will be fun...
Leo: lol
Percy: Luna beware of the Stolls
Luna: why
Amelia: they will prank you, and steal from you.
Luna: good to know, good to know
Amelia: Zeus
Zeus: #what
Luna: why do you speak with #
Zeus: #mortal teens do it all the time
Amelia: I don't speak #
Luna: me neither
Erin: I don't
Marlene: I don't either
Megan: Zeus your the only one
Zeus: # I donut care.
Larkin: did he just say I donut care
Amelia: yup.
Jason: Daaaaaad
Thalia: stop embarrassing us
Zeus: #never!!!!!!!!
Amelia: king of the gods everyone

This chapter is dedicated to

And I have hit 1k reads and 100 votes, Thank you guys sooooo much. :)

I also bought two cool phone cases. (see photo above) I love both of them, but i don't know which one to put one my phone. Vote on the one you like the best. I will take a picture of my phone in the case. (The photo will obviously not be taken by my phone.) My the best phone case win. 👍
-Amelia 🌺

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