Funny typo

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Q: What was the funniest typo you've ever made? (Tell me in the comments)

A: If you read any of my stories, you can see I make a lot of typos. I type extremely fast and don't proof read. Normally I will be switch with O. The funniest one the I can remember is an authors note for the Leo x Reader I wrote. (I fixed it) I wrote promo instead of projects. Another typo I make a lot but I have never published anything with that typo is... I will accidentally type sexond instead of second... And because auto correct is evil it doesn't fix it 👿.

PS: I hanged my username to HelloItsaMElia. I also got Tumblr. I have had it for awhile but I never set it up properly and I finally set it up properly so Ya... My username is @hello-its-amelia

-Amelia 🌺

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