Storybrooke chat (con't)

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Leo updated his status
The Argo II is already
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Rila: yay. :)
Mary Margaret: see you soon
Robin Hood: hey Leo I need a ride back to Storybrooke can I go with you guys
Leo: sure
Connor: can Storybrooke handle to trouble makers.
Regina: Why
Travis: well we want to see Storybrooke
Regina: if you two cause trouble there will be punishments
Connor: okay
Leo: is Rila's mom in Storybrooke
Rila: why do you care
Leo: just wondering
Robin Hood: no she's been missing for twelve years
Dark one: if you want to make a deal I could try to tracker her.
Rila: Leo, don't make a deal with Rumplestiltsken
Leo: why
Rila: I'll do the deal making
Percy: no your not
Rila: your not the boss of me *eye roll*
Percy: oh no you didn't
Rila: oh yes I did
Leo: cat fight
Nico: whoa what's going on
Rila: Percy won't let me make deals with the dark one
Dark one: he he he
Leo: dude what's with the weird laugh
Rila: he used to laugh like that in the enchanted forest.
Leo: oh

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