What happened???

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I'm sorry for not writing an actual chapter in forever.
So Does anyone what to still be in this fanfic. If so please private message me or comment.
Here are the users who have been written in.
ImagineDrakon RedGyarados
(I know I'm forgetting people but I can't remember. And a few people changed their usernames.)
MysteriousTheEvil updated there status: I have finally found this chat group.
Amelia: FanGirlTheAwesome who is this
FanGirlTheAwesome: an enemy. Someone who wants to destroy this group.
Percy: why would someone want to do that.
Annabeth: this just a chat group, right. Please don't tell me it's something more
FanGirlTAwesome: this chat group connects the fictional world.
The 10 Doctor: I knew it!!
Rose: No you didn't.
The 10 Doctor: I didn't tell you okay.
Amelia: can I ship this
Piper: that totally wasn't weird
Jason: okay what do you mean fictional world, I'm 100% sure that I'm real.
FanGirlTheAwesome: you are but only in this world. MysteriousTheEvil wants access to all worlds. Chat groups are gate ways to these worlds. The gods will not be pleased.
Percy: hey want happened to the other demigods.
FanGirlTheAwesome: MysteriousTheEvil has cut their accounts. Trying to find one that can open the account.
Travis: I can send out a virus into that MysteriousTheEvil dudes account.
Leo: So FanGirlTheAwesome am I known in this other world you speak of.
FanGirlTheAwesome: you have a lot of Team Leo FanGirls
Leo: OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Connor: Travis sent out the virus
MysteriousTheEvil: you can't stop me. I am the computer. I am from the deepest pits of Tartarus. I am a creature so horrible that I can bring the world to it's knees. I strike at the heart and I am not afraid to twist the knife.
FanGirlTheAwesome: mysterious got past my first 50 firewalls. 51, 52, 53...
Annabeth: how many firewalls do you have
Hermes: she has a hundred,
Apollo: ah mysterious messing with demigods I see.
MysteriousTheEvil: ever since you sent me to the realistic world I have been plotting my revenge. The time to strike is now.
Nico: when will we ever get a break, cuz I'm trying to sleep.
Will: Like always, remember doctor's orders
Nico: whatever Solace
Amelia: I SHIP IT
Drew: ME TOO
Percy: Amelia have a snickers bar
Amelia: *takes snickers bar and eats it slowly*
Percy: better????
Amelia: better
Leo: you aren't you when your hungry
Frank wow seriously this is the bad time to be promoting Snickers bars.
Hazel: I agreed now is t the time to slacking off we have a serious problem here.
Reyna: we need to come up with a strategy to defeat this ancient creature.

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