Chapter 19: So That's How I Got Into The Competition

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Friends come and go like the waves of the ocean....

But Best Friends stick like an octopus on your face....

Dedicated to @chinkirooroo (as promised) thanks for reading and supporting. Enjoy :D

Chapter 19 : So That's How I Got Into The Competition

I collapsed on my bed which was warm and soft. I let myself escape into pure bliss as the comforter wrapped around me.

Yes, I was home and not with Candy. And for the first time, I didn't feel anything as I was calmly leaving his house.

Who am I kidding?

I was burning in embarrassment as I ran for my life.

I had given him more than enough reasons to mock me now. He was going to kill my non existent spirits even more brutally.

I groaned.

Why, oh why? Why does it happen to me at the worst possible time?

I tossed around in the bed before getting up. My gaze fell straight on my guitar.

The urge to touch it was too much so I did. I held the guitar and let its cool wood calm my wracking nerves.

I held it in position and strummed a bit. The melody escaping through the chords helped the nerves in my body to relax.

That's when I realised something. Music was my power source. The only thing that managed to calm me down was a tune or a song.

And I was going to give it up.

Just like that.

And only because of a bunch if goons who had failed to recognise the impact they might've had on me.

This made me strum harder. I let my fingers present my anger through waves of harsh tunes that surrounded the atmosphere.

Maybe this was my chance to achieve my dream. With the new found vigour, I stomped over to the cupboard but before I could do anything, the door bell rang.

My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

It couldn't have been mom and dad since they were out for some event. And I don't think it was Candy either.

Shutting my cupboard, I stalked towards the door. I slowly opened it and was greeted by a blond haired familiar face.

"Hey Alyssa."

I raised my eyebrow, not speaking anything. She ignored me for a whole month and now she wants to speak with me. If she thinks that I'll be welcoming her back with open arms and a big smile on my face, she has another thing coming.

Seeing my unfazed expression, she hesitated before speaking,"Uh, I want to talk to you."

"Talk, then," I replied, keeping a blank expression on my face.

It's not that I didn't want to talk to her. In fact it's quite the opposite. I still wanted answers to the questions that had me questioning myself. I wanted to know what was it, because if which she just decided to end our friendship so abruptly.

Did I do something wrong? Was it me? Was I too uncool for her? Was it because I didn't have any other friends? Was it because of pity?

Questions like these had been poking my subconscious mind constantly.

So I won't say that I'm wrong in treating her this way.

"Uh, can we go somewhere else. Like your room?" She asked.

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