Chapter 12 : The World Of The Citrus

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Friends will always share their food with you... but Best Friends will always be the reason you won't have any food.....<3

Chapter 12: The World Of The Citrus.



"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on the top?"

"Aaron, even if you ask me the same thing with a thousand cherries on the top, my answer will remain the same!"


Well, after the chasing around, Sam and I decided to start with our 'girls time' but Candy won't leave. I tried pushing him, but who am I kidding? The muscles are not just for show. This boy is made of steel. Sam wasn't reasy to assist me while I pushed him 'cause he was shirtless.

"But why are you not letting me be a part of your so-called 'girls time'?"

"Seriously? What part of 'girl's time' do you not understand? confess that you are a girl."

A look of pure horror made it's way across Candy's face. "This," he said pointing towards his naked upper-half," is made up of pure manlihood. So donot insult it."

"So since you denied the fact that you are a girl, GET OUT!"

"But I already know everything about you, hell I even know about your monthly cramps and your mood swings. So what's the big issue?"

At the mention of my cramps, I turned red. The knowledge about my cramps was oh-so generously provided to him by my mother. Yup, my own mother betrayed me.





"Do you want me to show Sam your 'superman' video?" I asked taking a dangerous step towards him.

"Y-You won't. Right?"

"Not if you get out adn let me enjoy with my new best friend," I answered.

"Hey I-"

I raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to speak.

"Okay, fine. I'll go," he finally huffed," But don't blame me if you miss me too much."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"But atleast give me something to wear. I don't want the female population to go down," he said cockily.

"Oh ofcourse. Your looks will scar them forever. Now we wouldn't want that!," I replied scoffing and ran up to get him a t-shirt.

One of the features about our friendship is that we always have some clothes at each other's house, so we don't have to worry about not having spare clothes.

I went into my room and looked for one of his t-shirts. I found two of them. One was a plain black tee, but the other one was a yellow one with a huge minie mouse on it. I smirked evilly. I had bought this tee as a joke, almost a year back. I never made him wear this in public.

But since he troubled me alot, I think this could be the perfect time to make use of it. I neatly tucked the black one in my closet and grabbed the other one.

I skipped down the stairs, grinning like an idiot.

"Candyyyyyy," I shouted in a sickly sweet tone.

He suddenly became alert. "Why do I think I'm not gonna like what's gonna come next?"

I gave him a cheeky grin as I held out the t-shirt to him.

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