Chapter 31: Pooping the Way

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Thank you Sakina Fakhri for the awesome banner ❤️

Before you begin the chapter, I THANK ALL OF YOU SO SO MUCH. I had written what I wrote to tell you guys about the plagiarism. But I didn't expect you guys to react so strongly.

All your comments made my eyes fill up.

And don't worry. The person's got to try waaaaaaaaaaaaay harder if they want me to quit writing. 'Cause I write for my wattpad family and NOT for a bunch of losers who can't get their own minds to imagine.

Happy Reading!!

Kindly ignore the typos

I want to write 'I Miss You' on a rock and throw it on your face so that you know how much it actually hurts to miss you, dear Best Friend. <3

Chapter 31: Pooping The Way

"I'm so going to kill you," we're the first words that escaped through Sam's mouth when she saw me.

My eyes widened as I gave her a sheepish grin. "Hehe. Sorry?"

"Sorry my ass. You left me squished among sweaty animals and never even bothered to tell me about it." Her glare was sending cold shivers down my spine.

She wouldn't kill me, right?

'Cause if she did, our plan to get Candy flustered would go down the toilet and I wasn't ready to flush it out yet.

Wait-what did I just think? Toilet? Ew.

"So would you like to say your last words before incapacitate you?" Sam asked in a deadly voice.

Ah, shit. Think Ali, think. You only have one chance to save your butt.


Her deadly expression morphed into one of confusion as she looked at me weirdly. "Really?"

I nodded vigorously. I had a very bad habit of blurting out facts when I was nervous. The nerdy side of me showed itself at times like these.

And since the previous thought was about toilets and butts, now all the facts that we're going to come into my mind were going to be related to it.

I groaned. Couldn't I have a better topic?

After a moment, she burst into laughter. "I need to make you nervous more often."

"Ha ha," I muttered dryly. This time it was my turn to glare. But this glare was more out of embarrassment than anything else.

My glaring ceased when my phone abruptly rang. My eyes widened as I saw Candy's name flash in the screen.

Aw man. I was dead.

I carefully swiped the button before answering. "Hello?"



"You better have a damn good reason for it otherwise your Nutella jar would not be returned to you."

"NO! I uh- Sam pooped in her pants!" I blurted and face-palmed myself.

At this Sam straightened up, all her laughter forgotten. She raised her eyebrow at me. My stupid mouth!

I heard a chuckle in the background. "What?"

The Invisible Best FriendsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara