Chapter 39: Dreams

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Hey guys, I really felt like the ending was all rushed and bad and I realised it after I read the chapter. And how can the last chapter be without our lovely Candy?
So here it goes...( And I have a SURPRISE at the end so please check it out)

Notice the friends who are happy for your happiness and sad for your sorrow.
They're the only ones that deserve a place in your heart <3

Chapter 39: Dreams

"So what are going to do, now?" Candy asked, gently stroking my hair as we sat outside in my backyard, gazing at the stars.

I took in a deep breath, slowly letting out and letting my lips etch into a smile. "I have no clue."

It was true. Now that I was actually out of the Hunt, for good, I had no idea what I'd do.

"Don't worry. No matter what happens, I have your back," he said, leaning down to peck my lips.

I smiled. "I know. But still you could've laid off Jared a bit," I said, cringing at what happened after.

Candy had gone bonkers when he heard what had happened. Apparently no one could shut up about it and soon the news reached my lovely boyfriend.

Let's just say Nate had to stop him from sending Jared to hospital since he pretty much was supporting a bruised jaw, a black eye and a few black-blue bruises on the side. And that was just five minutes into the fight.

And as for Shelley, Candy was utterly furious at two facts. One, what she did to sabotage me and second, that's she was still in the competition.

Actually three facts. The third one being that he couldn't bulldoze the 'bitch' with a bulldozer and then run her over by a tractor.

So, he relied on public humiliation to get back at her. He actually just wanted to confront her in person but as usual, Shelley just couldn't bear the lack of attention especially when she claimed that Aaron was there to beg her to get back together.

Well that sure did attract attention, but it proved to be the opposite of what Shelley was aiming for.

~a couple of hours ago~

"Shelley? I need to talk to you, alone," Aaron said, going to Shelley, who was standing near her locker, bitching about me, saying how unworthy I was to be in her presence.

Cue the roll of eyes.

I had tried to stop Candy but had given me a cold, hard state that made me back off. I knew that look perfectly. He couldn't be stopped.

"Aaron! Oh my god, I knew you'd leave that good-for-nothing bitch and come back to me," she screamed, attracting the attention of the people in the hallways.

Immediately their phones were out.

Once Shelley saw that she was being filmed by the students, she stepped in the front.

"I told you all, didn't I? Aary and I are meant to be. It was high time he left that wannabe and came back. So baby, tell them that it's official," she cooed and clutched his arm.

My eyes narrowed at her hands that were moving up and down my boyfriend's arms.

"It's official," he told everyone and murmurs began.

Shelley smiled and stood on her tippy toes to lean in for a kiss but before she could do that, Aaron snatched his arm away and stepped back, giving her a disgusted look but quickly morphed it into a loving one.

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