Chapter 6 : Just Not My Day

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Best Friends.. They know how crazy you are but still decide to be seen with you in public....

Chapter 6: Just Not My Day

"Ugh! My head hurts!" I groaned holding my head.

"It'll be okay. Try to relax" Sam said while holding the ice pack to my head.

"Okay? Are you serious? I can practically see unicorns chasing butterflies right-ouch- now!"

"You and your imagination" Sam shook her her laughing.

Yeah! Me and my imagination.

Confused? Well, let me take you back in time.....


"Come on! We're going to get late for gym" Sam dragged me through the hall.

"Ugh! Why do we have gym as a subject? Couldn't it be something like meditation? It is far more relaxing and is even good for health"

"Shut up and hurry"

We ran through the corridors and finally made it in time,huffing and puffing. Okay, that was just me.

"Thank God we made it. It is so hard to drag your lazy ass when it comes to gym," she huffed.

"Awh I know you still love me, Beary," I teased.

Sam hated when someone pronounced her last name wrong.

"Oh you better run if you want to save you life Bent" she said advancing towards me.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I shouted as she chased me in the gym.

"I'm coming for you!" Sam shouted as she increased her pace. Let's just say she was really good at running and I sucked.

I turned back to see her just a few meters behind me. Suddenly her eyes widened as she looked past me and called out my name.

"ALI! Watch ou-" was all I heard before colliding with someone and falling hard on my butt.

"Ow" I rubbed my bum as i stood up.

I kinda froze when I saw who I had collided with.

"You little twat! How dare you?"

And I think you just guessed it.

"I'm sorry. Actually I was running and I-"

"Shut up! You just made things worse Bent. Now just wait and watch," she snapped.

I face palmed myself as she strutted her way towards the volleyball court.

"I think you are in deep trouble" Sam commented from behind me.

"You think?"

She was about to reply when our gym teacher blew the whistle. "Girls! Get your butts up here. Today we're playing a volleyball match"

Oh great. Looks like Lady luck was on my side. Not.

Volleyball, a game in which I sucked happened to be a horror game for me, since I always tend to get injured.

"Okay. Who will be the captains?"

Two girls, Beccy and Miranda volunteered and the teams started dividing. Each of the captains chose one girl at a time.

"I choose Sam" Beccy declared.

"Um...Shelly" Miranda said.






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