Aaron's POV (Part One)

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(Note: this chapter starts from the day when the posters were put up. Neither Candy nor Muffin are aware about this and Alyssa has decided to sing)

Aaron's POV (Part 1)

Excited would be the understatement of the century of what I felt right now. Muffin had decided to sing and I couldn't be happier.

I still remember the days, weeks and months that had Ali cowering from mere attention and I wanted to beat the crap out of the people who even dared to say a word against her.

My passion towards soccer made me opt for a different path otherwise I would've stuck to her side. I still hate the fact that I can't hang out with her in the school without anyone judging us.

But I think it might be for the best because of the fact that my body decides to perform different chemical reactions when I'm near her, doesn't help one bit.

"Get up Aaron or you'll be late for sch-," my mom stopped her yelling mid-way when she saw me tying my shoe laces, almost ready to head out.

"You're ready! You're going to school right?" She asked skeptically.

I chuckled. It was hard for her to believe that I'd gotten up this early for school. But it was Muffin's day today. I needed to make sure she got an extra size of confidence for tomorrow's performance.

"I'm gonna guess this has something to do with my dear Alyssa," she said, holding a smug look on her face while leaning on the door frame.

I tried to appear unaffected by what she said but suddenly the brain decided to turn my stomach into a very experimental chemistry lab.

I could feel my face getting hotter but I didn't want to give mom the satisfaction of thinking that she was right so I shrugged and turned away from her scrutinising eyes to pick my bag up.

"Oh dear. And you think mothers are clueless," she said dramatically.

I chuckled and turned to leave the room. I gave a small peck on her forehead since she was shorter than me.

"Goodbye, my dear drama queen," I said in a thick, fake idiotic accent and gave her an equally dramatic bow.

She laughed at my antics which had most probably come from her.

Shaking my head a little at our little exchange, I jogged down the stairs, ready to go to school.


"Ugh! You have got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed the hundredth time within ten minutes.

I had my car parked outside Shelly's house for the past ten minutes. Apparently her lipgloss wasn't enough with the first three coats.

She had texted me fifteen minutes ago that she needed a ride because her car's tires were flat.

They were not. I checked.

I was ready to bang my head against the steering wheel once again when she showed up, looking all cheery and happy.

It made me question her motives. From her over-cheeriness, I could tell that she had something planned and whatever that was and for whoever it was, god help that person.

"Hey Aary baby," she cooed as she sat down in the passenger side.

I hid back my scowl at 'Aary'. What kind of nickname was that? Instead I gave her a grin, like I always did. However today it was a little less forced since I was already happy today.

"Let's go," I said starting the engine of the car.

"Wait!" she nearly yelled just a second before I hit the accelerator.

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