Your chance to interview Aaron and Alyssa

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(Open till February 2017)

Hey my lovely readers! I know many of you don't even remember this book but I'm still thankful for the support I got for this. I had never imagined that I would actually write a book that would be read much less appreciated by thousands of people. I'll always love my readers since you all are the only reason I'm even writing anymore :)

SO here is a chance for you to actually interview my characters and ask anything you guys want to, from them. Aaron and Alyssa will be honoured to answer your questions which will be featured in a magazine called Characters Magazine where many other characters from popular books have given their interviews.

So, ask away!

Please do mention which character you're asking your question to so that it will be easy for us to feature the best of all the questions.

If you guys have any questions or requests (except for a sequel) or anything to say to me, please do. I'll try my best to reply to all of you in the comments :)

Thank you so much! <3

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