Chapter 10 : Oops?

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God made us Best Friends because no mother could've handled us a siblings...

Recap: I was busy searching the crowd so much so that I didn't even see the ball coming towards me.

All I heard was ,"Watch out" before I slammed into a wall.




Chapter 10 : Oops?

With my head already going round and round, I had no idea what happened in a matter of seconds. I looked up to see Candy glaring at the ball that had almost hit me.

So it was not a wall.

Well, since we are talking about six-pack abs here, they hurt no less than slamming into a wall.

The grip of his hand on my forearm was quite tight too.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Candy started questioning while examining my face for any injuries.

I was about to reply when I noticed everyone in the gym go silent and stare at Candy in a disbelieving way.

My eyes widened and I snatched my arm away. He looked confused and a bit hurt at my sudden behaviour. But when I gave a quick glance at the crowd and back at him, he understood and the earlier emotions were replaced by a blank look.

"Who are you to ask me that when your girlfriend is responsible for all of this?" I accused, sending a fake glare towards him.

But honestly, the accusation was somewhat real.

"I couldn't let my girlfriend have all the fun. Now could I? I had to make sure that you weren't hurt much 'cause that would ruin the other plans," he stated in a cold voice. He was shooting daggers at me with his eyes. I could tell that the glare was real.

And I knew why.

He was basically murdering me with his eyes because I reminded him about his pig face of a girlfriend humiliating me. And I knew that he was not going to leave this topic alone.

"Go to hell," I stomped my foot and exited the gym without waiting for his reply.

I kept on walking till I reached the end of the hallway and let out a long breath I was holding. I was going to go further down the hallway when I realised something.

I just ditched my only ride back.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

I leaned on the nearest locker. I didn't want to think because my head was already throbbing as if everyone decided to play drums on it.

I closed my eyes and put all of my weight on the locker.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. They came to a halt after sometime.

"Muffin?" I heard Candy ask.

I turned around slowly to face him. The moment I faced him, he pulled me into a tight hug. My tense body relaxed in his arms as I wrapped mine around his torso.

"You scared the shit out of me in the cafe!" he said, "and you stink of sauce mixed with oranges."

Of course he had to ruin the moment. I rolled my eyes and let go of him. I was too tired to respond. Thinking of the laughter still brought tears into my eyes.

"Please take me home," I replied weakly. My voice was giving out what I was feeling. And I didn't want him to know how weak I felt.

Because if he did, he would know why I was affected by Shelly's prank.

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