My Rant: Why the epilogue hasnt been uploaded.

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Hey to the inhabitants of this wonderful and beautiful planet known as Earth...

A/N- YOU CAN HAPPILY SKIP THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ IT BUT IF YOU'RE BORED AS HELL...Might give it chance. Plus I think you'll have a good laugh.

(It's kind of some ranting, so you might not even understand half of this)

WARNING: the language in this chapter is strictly the result of a boggled head and a mind that is still getting rid of exams.

So yeah. For my absence on this story... Yes, my exams being one of the major shareholders of my life demanded their timely dividend which could only happen if my capital structure was good enough. Now, deciding that it takes a lot of forecasting, predictions and a lot of hard work, which a lazy ass like me had to do quite forcefully and unwillingly.

As you can see that my business exam had quite a lot of influence in controlling my words. I know half of you might not get it, and those who do, props to you because even I couldn't understand what I wrote after writing it.

Coming back to the topic of why the epilogue is not up. It's because my mind has literally blocked and confused everything around me.

While it was easier for my other story since I had most of the chapter written before exams, the epilogue isn't.

If you want to know the extent of my boggled mind, how about I give you an example?

Warning #2: Things are about to get a little...poop-y. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

A few days back, I was sitting down with my books when discovered a page is never even seen in the whole year I had studied the chapter.

Trying to unravel the mystery behind this sudden appearance of the informative page, I accidentally knocked down the water bottle beside me, which knocked down the plastic cup (that had water) which eventually spilled on my sandwich which I had made with a lot of effort.

Let's be honest here, I can't Cook. Or to put it in more understandable terms, I'm too lazy to learn how to cook.

In my life of eighteen years, I've only made ramen/ Maggi noodles and Maggi pasta. Oh and hot chocolate.

Yep. That bad.

Well, I did try brownie a few days back... Keyword: try. Let's not talk about that.

Anyways, so coming back to the sand which, I had yelled a 'Shit'. Well, most of us say 'shit' most of the times or if you're more used to being a bit more bold (or plainly-you've been addicted to books and shows) -Fuck.

So, as I said 'shit' I fell into a deep process of thinking (courtesy of my over loaded mind).

People use this word a lot. An I tried to derive out the meaning in literal terms.

'I don't give two shits...'- Well, atleast you give one? And who even cares if you take poop twice or even once in a day? Or maybe the person meant a week? Who knows. I mean they didn't specify the time, technically. Or maybe they're indirectly saying that they are constipated.

Next, 'No shit Sherlock' Um... Okay? I mean why are you telling Sherlock that there's no shit? I mean I don't think Sherlock is looking for poop? Even if he is (for his investigation) I think he'd rather have us be politer like saying 'Sorry Mr. Holmes, I couldn't find any excreted matter in here.'
Oh well.

I did interpretation of many other sentences, which I could've shared if I had enough time. ☹

Anyways, as you might know by now, my imagination has been a little...shitty.
Which is why I would not like my epilogue to be crappy either.

So, finally to answer the question- When is the epilogue being updated?

Answer: I frankly, have no clue. I'd be lying if I said that I have it all planned and stuff because I didn't want to plan because my imagination had waved me goodbye and gone vacationing in South Pole.

I don't want a crappy ending to Aaron and Alyssa's story so I'd like to to develop nicely. So, please give me time?

 So, please give me time?

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Okay. I'd also like to confess something in a cryptic way.

Anyways, Enjoy your day and week and month and year and LIFE!

Love ya'll. ❤️❤️❤️

Comment your funny/ over imaginative/ embarrassing thinking moments. I'd love to read. I'll definitely try to respond to them too!! Or any embarrassing incidents or just about anything!

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