Chapter 21: Maybe It Was Over For Me

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Good Friends will laugh at what you're saying.

But Best Friends will laugh at what you're both thinking....<3

Chapter 21: Maybe It Was Over For Me


That is what I wanted to do right now. Cry till my eyes are incapable of producing any more salt water. In fact I don't think I'll even be able to stop the tears if they escaped out.

Where was I?

In the best crying place: the girl's washroom.

What was I doing?

Gripping the sink with all my might, trying to hold back the tears that were ready to escape while everyone else laughed their guts out, outside. At me.

No, this was not a dream. If you're thinking that it's just one of those nightmares I got the night before, you're wrong.

Oh how I wish it was a dream. I'd give anything in the world to change this into a dream.

I gripped the sink even tighter, shutting my eyes so hard that even my eyelids were begging for mercy. I had to hold in the panic attack. I couldn't let the people make a bigger fool out of me.

"Ali, you know it will go away soon. Everyone will forget about it," Sam tried to touch my arm.

I flinched away as if her touch had burned me.

I let out a bitter laugh. "Okay? That word sounds like heaven to me, right now."


"No, Sam. Please. Just Go. I want to be alone," I nearly yelled.

Confused? Of course you are. You don't know what happened. Let's just rewind a bit and go to the part where Nate and Sam had come to my house at night...

"No! Really?" I asked as Nate recited another one of Sam's embarrassing story in which she fell into a pool of squishy tomatoes.

Nate just nodded and I burst out into laughter. Again.

It was almost one at night but I was having so much fun. Sam was turning redder by the second. Her face was priceless.

We were sitting in my room, on the floor. Nate was sitting across from me while Sam sat towards my right.

"OKAY! I think Nate has embarrassed me enough. Let's just change the topic," Sam interrupted before Nate could start another story.

It had just been an hour since I met Nate, but it felt as if I had known him since forever. I wasn't very good at making friends. But these two came into my life so smoothly, I didn't even have the time to think whether it was a bad thing or not.

I learnt a lot about Nate in the past hour. He had a great sense of humour and was a really nice guy. He was originally from North Carolina but his British accent was due to him living in Manchester for two years. He lived with his grandparents here.

"So Nate? Want to hear Ali sing?" Sam changed the topic.

At this Nate nodded his head eagerly. It was like seeing a kid who'd been asked whether he wanted candies.

I let out a cough while Sam just gave me a mischievous smile.

"Please?" Sam pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "You look like a puffer fish, trying to pout like that! Especially with a face that resembles a tomato!"

Nate burst out laughing at this. "I like her," he said to Sam while pointing at me.

"Don't try to change the topic. Now you have to sing."

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