Chapter 4 : A New Friend

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We are Best Friends... We laugh at a joke 3 times....
Once when the joke is told
The second time when someone explains it to us
And the third time when we actually get it.....

Chapter 4: A New Friend


My annoying alarm clock went off.

I forced open my eyelids and was blinded by the sunlight pouring through my window. I lazily got up and greeted the morning sunshine. I stretched my arms and legs slowly, as if this was a movie. I opened my window and smiled at the sound of the birds. The wind swept by me creating a hush sound. Everything seemed to be in slow motion and I stood there for a while admiring nature, that is until I saw my clock again which showed that I had only 20 minutes to get ready.

That just broke my freaking movie moment and I rushed to the washroom for a shower. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and got ready. I wore a pair of black jeans and a white collared top. I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and rushed downstairs.

"Good morning Honey" My mom greeted me along with a delicious smell of my favourite pancakes.

"Morning Mum. Is that what I think that is?" I said placing my bag in the chair and proceeding towards the kitchen.

"Yup" She smiled and I went into the kitchen only to meet a sight that could give me a heart attack.

"MOM!" I shouted as I ran towards the person eating MY pancakes.

"What happened dear?" Mom rushed in.

"What the hell is Candy doing by eating MY pancakes? I repeat, MY pancakes?" I said snatching the left over pancaked from him.

"Back with the nicknames, I see" Mom chuckled.

"Mom. Don'ty try to change the subject" I glared at Aaron, who now wore a cute pout on his face.

Cute? What the hell?

Pancake thieves are NOT cute!

"That is no way to treat your ride to school, Muffin" Aaron folded his arms, still pouting like a three-year old.

Aww. I just wanted to go pinch his cheeks. And it took me all of my will power to not to do that.

"What ride to school? Kinsy takes me to school every morning"

"Um yeah, about that. Kinsy called to say that she had to go to school early so she couldn't give you a ride to school so I called Aaron" my mother simply replied. What?!

If anyone saw me with Aaron, hell could break loose. But of course, mom didn't know that.

"Mom, can dad drop me?"

"Sorry honey, he already left." Well, shit.

"I could take the bus"

"The bus already left, Muffin" Aaron smirked," Now let's go before we get late" he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my house.

"Are you crazy? What if others saw us together?" I asked getting into his car reluctantly.

"What I don't understand is that why you hate attention so much. And don't give me those three stupid reasons you give all the time"

Well, he knows me way too well.

"Yeah. I know you too well"

Wait. Can he read minds?

"No, Muffin. I cannot read minds" He chuckled.

How did he know what I was thinking?

"The answer is, that you are too easy to read in these kind of situations"

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