Chapter One Hundred Three

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Chapter One Hundred Three


We're just about to sit down for dinner when I hear the front door open. Tyler is supposed to be visiting Eli, so I've been listening for anything to alert me to the fact he's arrived.

“Ma? Dad?”

“In the dining room, Ty.”

Eli shoots a look at me, probably trying to gauge my reaction, so I send him a reassuring smile. I'm not as nervous as I used to be. I'm not completely comfortable though, so I grab his hand and he gives mine a squeeze. I see Connie watch our exchange from the corner of my eye and I don't miss the smile she has plastered on her face.

Tyler appears at the end of the table, carrying a stack of files.

“Hey guys. How's it going?”

They all greet each other and I sit quietly, not sure what to do in this situation.

Eli speaks up, “Ty, this is Dani. Baby, this is my brother Tyler.”

Tyler extends his hand for me to shake and my hesitation causes him to retract it a bit. Before his hand is returned to his side completely, I say, “Sorry.”

I stretch my free hand over the table and extend it for Tyler to shake. I'm sure he notices my trembling, but he doesn't comment on it.

“It's nice to meet you, Dani. I hope I'm not disturbing your evening.”

“No sir.”

Connie asks, “Are you staying for dinner, Tyler? I can fix you a plate.”

He looks directly at me, and asks, “Does anyone mind if I join you all?”

I can feel Tyler's eyes on me and I don't like the direct stare, so I look at Eli. I'm far more comfortable with Eli's eyes on me. In fact, I look for him to calm me down. I know they're all waiting to see how I respond. No one else is going to mind Tyler being here for dinner, so it all hinges on me.

Eli speaks to me in Russian, “You ok with him staying? If you're not comfortable then I'll see what he wants and he'll go.”

“It's ok. I'm ok.”


“Yeah, I'm sure.”

Eli nods, turns to Tyler and says, “Take a seat, man.”

Once Connie places a plate of food in front of him, Tyler speaks in between mouthfuls.

“So, how's the house situation going?”

Eli answers, “Just waiting for the sale to complete. We should be in by the 4th.”

Tyler looks directly at me and seriously questions, “You sure you're ready to live with this dirtbag?”

I can't tell if he's joking or not, but his words cause something to bubble up inside of me; something I haven't felt in a long time. Anger. I know Eli is his brother, but how dare he call him a dirtbag. There's nothing dirty about Eli. He's a good man. Before I know what I'm doing, my voice takes on a mind of it's own.

“He's not a dirtbag. Eli is a good man. Don't talk about him like that. He's an amazing person.”

It's not until I see the smile on everyone's faces, that I realize what I've done. I am truly embarrassed at my outburst and before I can apologize, Tyler says, “Sounds like you're ready. I was only joking but you're right, he is a good man.”

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