Chapter Fifty-Five

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Chapter Fifty-Five


I can't help but be nervous as we pull into Don's driveway. I'm extra cautious, looking around for anything out of place. Eli must notice this, because he reaches for my hand before he gets out of the car. He quietly says, “It's ok, Dani. My dad has spoken to Ty and told him not to visit tonight. He said they have guests, so Ty won't be here.”

If only it were that simple. If only I was just worried about seeing Tyler again. I don't want to tell him. I don't want to worry him, but if I'm putting him in danger, I need to warn him. Surely he knows these people will kill us if they find me. He's a good cop and he sounds like he was a good soldier; he must know without me telling him. I shake my head, and he knows there's something else on my mind. Ash must realize as well, because he says, “I'll meet you in there. I'm sure Momma C wants to give me some love without your jealousy...”

Eli smiles, shakes his head and mumbles, “Whatever.”

Once Ash is gone, Eli asks, “What? What's going on in that head of yours?”

I just blurt it out; there's no other way to do it. “They'll kill us if they find us, Eli... They'll kill us all...”

He looks taken aback at first, probably from my outburst. He recovers quickly and says, “I know. I've already thought about that. We're being careful, sweetheart. I promise you we're doing everything we can to keep you and us safe.”


He sighs, “Yeah. I had to read my dad and Ash in a little bit. They just know that there's people out there that will kill you and us if they find you. I couldn't ask for their help and put them in danger without telling them what the danger is.”

I can't help but ask, “And they still want to help?” That stupid filter between brain and mouth needs to come back.

“Of course they want to help. They care about you. I care about you. Of course we want to keep you safe.”

“But its dangerous...”

“And? Every day we put our lives on the line for people we don't even know, how much more do you think we'd do it for people we care about? I don't want you to feel guilty or anything for us helping you. Even if you told me to go away, I'd still watch out for you. When I told you to make life choices for yourself, this wasn't one of them. I'm afraid you get no choice in the matter on this one, and I don't want you to think I'm just bossing you around or being a jerk. I'm only trying to keep you safe. I promised I would that and I intend to keep that promise...”

“But what if they kill you? I couldn't live with that...”

“And I couldn't live with it if they killed you. So, we either face this together or we hit a stale mate. We can't exactly do nothing, can we? So, we have to face this together. We will face this together. I promise I am not going to leave you to deal with this on your own. And don't you say it's your problem to face. It wasn't your fault, so it's not your problem. It's their fault, not yours. As long as we keep our heads down and stay out of their way, then we'll be ok.”

I don't know if he actually believes that, but I know I don't. They won't want to leave me as a witness. That guy knows I recognized him, so did Viktor. One of them is bound to tell the Mob that I'm still alive. It's only a matter of time before they come looking for me. If they find me, I don't even want to think about what they'll do to me before they kill me. Somehow that prospect seems a whole lot better than going back to the dungeon they had me in. I'd go through hell if it meant I didn't ever have to go back there.

Tough LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora