Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One

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Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One

Dani's P.O.V.

It's been three days since Eli woke up. He's supposed to be allowed home today. We're just waiting for the doctor to discharge him. Eli's arm is in a sling to try and stop him from using it too much. Although, I don't think the doctors could stop him doing anything if he's set his mind on it.

The doctor steps into Eli's room and checks his vitals before saying, "Your body seems to be recovering well. I'll just go and fill your prescription for the pain medication..."

"No need, doc. I'm not going to take anything."

The doctor looks shocked and looks between Eli and myself. I had no knowledge of this, so I don't know why he's looking at me. I'm only just hearing about this too.

"I don't recommend that, Lieutenant."

"You're not going to change my mind. I don't want to take any meds, so you'll just be wasting a prescription."

"Did you know about this, Dani?"

I'm shocked the doctor would even think that. Does he really believe I'd allow Eli to feel pain he doesn't need to?

Instead of saying any of that, I simply say, "No sir."

"I really wouldn't advise not taking the pain meds, Lieutenant."

"Duly noted, Doc. Thanks. But I'm not changing my mind on this one, sorry. I'll take the antibiotics, of course; just not the pain meds."

The doctor frowns, nods and then says, "Right. I'll go get the antibiotics then. One of the porters will wheel you out to the front doors. Do you have a ride home?"

I actually don't know the answer to this, but the question is answered by Arrow's voice.

"Yeah, I'm their ride out of here. Almost ready to go, LT?"

"Yeah; almost."

The doctor disappears to fill the prescription and a porter turns up with a wheelchair. Eli refuses to get in the wheelchair, while Arrow starts chuckling at the whole scene. I just stand back and watch everything unfold.

Eli sounds displeased as he says, "This really isn't necessary. I didn't get shot in the legs. I'm totally capable of walking out of here by myself. Why waste a porter's time on me when he could be helping someone else more needy...?"

Arrow laughs little harder at Eli's words, "Dude, don't make out like you're more concerned about someone else. You just don't want the embarrassment of being wheeled out of here. Stop being so stubborn, man."

Eli nearly exclaims, "That's easy for you to say! You're not the one who has to ride in the chair!"

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