Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-four

It only takes about 40 minutes to get to Coney Island and the first thing I notice is how colorful it is. It's vibrant and it looks like it's all about fun. The boardwalk doesn't look too busy and Eli informs me that it's because we're early. He suggests we take a walk along the boardwalk and to the beach. The weather is turning out really nice and he says the sea breeze will feel nice. I agree to take a walk, half because I'm trying hard to trust him and half because I'm intrigued. This place looks fascinating; I've never seen anything like it. 

I stay close to Eli as we walk, taking in all of the shops and attractions. Eli tells me about the circus sideshows they have. “There's all sorts here. Fire eaters, sword swallowers, people who eat lit cigarettes, people who walk on broken glass, magicians, hairy people. You name it and it's probably here.”

 He chuckles at my expression, which must be one of awe and confusion. “Why would people even do that stuff?”

 He shrugs, “I suppose they enjoy it or are good at it so they perform for people. I think the most tattooed woman in New York is here too.”


 “Yeah. Shall we see if we can find her?”


We walk around for a little while, searching for the tattooed lady. When we find her, I can't help but stare. When I see she's looking right at me, I apologize a number of times and look at the ground. I'm very embarrassed that I have been caught staring and I don't know what to do. This whole experience is new for me; just being out of the house outside of work is new for me.

The lady says, “What's your name, child?”

I look up at her, shocked. Eli looks at me expectantly, but I don't answer. He quickly says, “Danica, her name is Danica. She's a bit shy.”

 “I can see that. Hi Danica, I'm Julia. Have you ever had a tattoo?”

 “Yes ma'am.”

 Eli's head turns toward me so quickly I'm sure I hear his neck snap. He's shocked. It has never come up, but also it's not really something I like to talk about. I don't know why, but I feel like I shouldn't lie to this lady. Strange, I know. I don't know her, I'll probably never even see her again but I didn't want to lie to her.

 “Would you like to get another?”

“I don't know.”

“Did it hurt?”

“I don't remember.”

“A long time ago, huh?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Well, if you ever want another one, we've got some of the best tattoo artists on the island here. Tell them I sent you and they'll make sure you're taken care of.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and Danica? Make sure you do something that has a great meaning to you. You should tattoo something you want to remember, not something you're forced to remember.”

I'm shocked. How did she do that? Was it that obvious? Eli touches my elbow and I flinch and jump away from him.

“Sorry, you kind of zoned for a bit.”

“Sorry. Is it that obvious, Eli?”

 “Is what that obvious?”

“That I didn't want the tattoo in the first place?”

“I didn't even know you had a tattoo, so, no. She's the most tattooed lady, I think she knows a bit more about it than me.”

“Do you have a tattoo?”

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