Chapter One Hundred Six

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Chapter One Hundred Six


Dani has an awful night. The nightmares are bad, but instead of talking to me, she pulls away and locks everything up in her mind yet again. I know I shouldn't be, but I feel disappointed by this. It seems like whenever we make steps forward, we end up going backwards again. It gets frustrating, but I can't voice or show my frustration or it'll upset her. Maybe she's just processing or something and maybe she'll talk to me about it another time.

She has a session with Sam tonight, but I'm not going to be there. I'll be at the prison seeing these scumbags. I have to figure out how to tell Dani I can't go with her and I have to find a way to get her there. I know she won't go on her own and I don't feel confident in doing that. We don't know if these people are still watching her or if they're waiting to make another move. There is so much we don't know and I'm not willing to put her safety at risk. I suppose we could reschedule if necessary, but Dani has been doing so well and I don't want to do anything to upset that.

Dani is slow and lethargic on the way up the stairs to our floor at the precinct. She's lost in her mind and she jumps when I whisper, "Baby?"

She places a hand over her heart and I can hear her counting softly. While I'm pleased she's found a way to help her calm down, I still don't like the fact she has to do that. These moments are less frequent, but they're still there. The panic moments may never go away, I can't blame her if they don't. Her past is far more traumatic than anyone will ever know, even I will never fully know what she's been through. So, while I hope she learns to not panic or freak out, I will understand if she still has those moments.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You ok? You're very quiet."

"Sorry, just thinking."

"You're doing it again. You're locking me out. Please don't do that, not now."

She smiles softly at me and whispers, "I'm just trying to get my mind around everything. I'm not shutting you out, I promise."

"Good. Your session with Sam is at 7, right?"

"Yes sir."

"I have to work late tonight. Ash and I have to chase something up for the Cap. I have to figure out how we're going to get you there, is all."

"Oh. I can reschedule. I'm sure she won't mind."

"I don't want you to do that. Would you be ok with my pops taking you? If he's not working, I mean."

She doesn't answer, so I take that as a no. I don't think she wants people to know she's seeing a therapist. She's never said it, but I think she feels weak for going to see Sam. No one would think badly of her for it. Heck, they'd be pleased she's able to talk about it with someone.

"Ok, not to worry. I'll sort something out..."

I hear footsteps, and I turn to see Arrow following us up the stairs. Dani jumps and moves closer to me, but she doesn't look particularly scared of him. I think he took her by surprise.

"Hey LT, Dani."

"Hey Arrow. What are you doing here?"

"Came to speak to your Captain. He asked to see me. You didn't know?"

"No, I haven't seen him yet."

"How's it going, Dani?"

"Good, thank you. You, sir?"

"Yeah, not bad, thanks."


"Yes ma'am?"

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