Chapter Eighty-Eight

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Chapter Eighty-Eight

The next morning, Connie takes me to the hospital for my appointment with Dr. Stone. I manage to hobble in and out of the wheelchair and the car, so I'm not relying on someone to lift me. Thankfully I'm a little more mobile because Eli is the only person I trust enough to pick me up. Dr. Stone is pleased with my progress and he's given me some crutches, so I'll be even more mobile. My PT goes ok as well, which just leaves getting through the session with the shrink in the evening. Honestly, I'll be glad when the day is over.

On the way back from the hospital, I quietly say, “Connie?”

“Yes my dear?”

“May I ask you something?”

“Of course you can. Ask me anything.”

This is it. Now I actually have to do it because she's expecting a question. I close my eyes briefly and bite back my fear and anxiety.

“I need some advice and I don't know who else to ask...”

“I'll help whatever way I can. Go ahead, sweetie.”

“I didn't have a normal childhood and I don't really know much about...”

How am I supposed to word this? I know more about guys than most people, so I can't really say that. I don't know what to say, but Connie seems to sense my dilemma and she says, “Relationships?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“I remember when Maria went through this stage. She was quite something. What's on your mind, Dani?”

“I don't understand the... feelings. Sometimes Eli makes my stomach do a weird flop thing... I don't know what that is...”

It's actually getting easier to talk to her about this. I'm pretending my momma is sitting in front of me and that makes it less daunting.

“It's your insides telling you you have feelings for Eli. I'm not going to lie to you, I can't tell you if it means you love him. But it does mean there's something there. You do feel something for him and he makes your body feel differently. It's an emotional connection, not necessarily a physical one...”

I stiffen at the mention of a physical connection. That makes me uncomfortable and I think she notices that, because she quickly says, “I apologize for bringing that up. I know that's not something you want to hear. I'm assuming you didn't have a normal high school life and that you didn't have any crushes while you were in school...”

“No ma'am.”

“Eli is like your high school crush, although, probably on a stronger scale. I don't want you to get frightened about that, Dani. Nothing has changed. You're still the same and he's still the same. You just know that you like him more than just a friend. It doesn't mean that anything has to happen or anything has to change. It's just your mind and body admitting that you feel something different. If I know my son, he'll do things at whatever speed you're comfortable with.”


She knows what I'm going to say before I even finish my sentence.

“Just because everyone knows you as his girlfriend, it doesn't mean that things have to change. You're both happy with the way things are, right? So why change what's working? Things will progress naturally and when you're comfortable. I know you've had a tough life. I don't know what's happened, but I can tell that you're scared. It's ok to be scared, just don't let it ruin the rest of your life. You're part of our family now and we won't let anything happen to you. And if Eli even thinks about hurting you, then Don and I will have something to say about it.”

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