Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

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Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

Ash's P.O.V.

It's just after 10am when I eventually leave the precinct. I don't expect there to be any change with Eli, because someone would have called me. I wanted to get away from the precinct sooner, but there is far too much work to do. Cain and I questioned Greggson's man, Jack Preston. He eventually admitted that he has been to the brothel, but he wouldn't comment on anyone else that he saw or if he hurt any of the girls. He was adamant that he isn't, and never has been, part of the Bratva. I am inclined to believe him on that statement. He also admitted that he recognized Dani. I can remember his actual words as if he's speaking them right now: "Of course I remember Tatyana. Everyone remembers her. You can't forget those eyes or the fact that she would do anything to please you... Now, there's a girl who enjoyed her job. Always so willing to please..."

I really had to sit on my hands after that comment. I knew he was trying to bait me, but I really wanted to take that bait and give him a beating he'd never forget. Dani probably did whatever she could to make it hurt less. I'm sure she tried everything she could to prevent getting beaten up. If Eli was there for that interview, I think he would have lost it. Preston was so smug about the whole thing, like he knew it would upset us to hear about his encounters with Dani.

I'm heading to the hospital now for a little while. Then I'll have to go back to work. There's so much to tie up and I need to make sure I'm keeping a close eye on everything. Eli would want everything monitored closely. He wants the chain of custody for the evidence to be unquestionable. He wants to ensure that no one can worm their way out of a conviction. Obviously, he's not able to do that himself, so I have to do it for him.

I pop into the family room to check on Don and Connie. Don's sitting on the chair with Connie curled against his side. They're both asleep, so I quietly leave the room again. They need their rest. I'm sure they didn't get much sleep through the night.

Arrow is sitting outside Eli's room, checking something on his cell.

"Hey, everything ok in here?"

"Hey Scott. No change."

"How's she holding up?"

"She's barely holding it together, man. I don't really know how to help her. She's a mess but she's trying to hide it. She's been talking to him in Russian mostly. She hasn't eaten or drunk anything, even though I've offered. She hasn't slept either."

"She won't sleep; not here. I'll see if I can get her to go home for a few hours. Someone will need to stay with her if she does, though."

"I can do that. I might not be much help if she freaks out, but I'll go with her."

"Thanks. I'll see how she's doing. You doing ok?"

"Yeah. Can't wait for some good news. I'm getting a bit impatient now."

"You and me both. He's strong and he's a stubborn old goat. He doesn't want to leave Dani."

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