Chapter Ninety-Five

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Chapter Ninety-Five


It takes us quite a long time to figure out where my route started about 6 years ago. Some of the streets have changed and we can't drive through them. My mind can picture the roads the way they were and not seeing the same pictures is frustrating. I feel like I'm wasting Eli's time and that I'm failing yet again. At one point, I just rub my hands over my face and let out a long sigh.

“I'm sorry, Eli. I think it's this way, but I'm not sure. This has changed and I don't know it...”

He pulls the car over and leaves it running while he grabs my attention, “Hey, look at me Dani... It's ok. I know this isn't easy for you. I know the scenery is different now to back then. I understand you weren't exactly in a great frame of mind when you walked this path. I get all of that and I'm not judging you or putting any extra pressure on you. At least I don't mean to put any pressure on you. Of course I want to find these people, but not at the expense of making your life a misery. We will find them. I will keep looking and chasing up every lead until I find them. I promise. So take a deep breath and try to relax. There's no pressure here. It was just an idea and if it doesn't work out, then we'll do things another way. Ok?”

I nod and take some deep breaths. I briefly shut my eyes and try to clear my head a bit. I'm startled by a knock on the window and I let out a squeak in fear as my body involuntarily jumps. My eyes fly open and I see Eli letting his window down. There's a cop standing on the other side of the door and he asks, “Everything ok in there, ma'am?”

I'm shocked he's even speaking to me, let alone asking if I'm ok. My mouth opens, but nothing comes out. I must look like a fish dry drowning or something.

The cop continues, “You're not allowed to stop here. Ma'am, is there something going on here that I need to know about? If you want to get away, you can come with me...”

I shake my head furiously. There's no way I'm getting out of this car, especially if Eli isn't with me.

“Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the vehicle, please...”

Eli moves to open his door and I nearly shout, “No!”

I shock the patrol officer, but not Eli, with my outburst.

Eli murmurs, “It's ok, baby. I'm just going to sort this out with the officer. I'll be right back. You can lock the door after me.”

As soon as Eli's door is shut, I press the lock button. I can just about hear them talking outside over my labored breathing, so I try to sit still and quiet to find out what's going on.

Eli explains, “I'm with the SWAT team at Midtown South.”

“I need to see some identification so I can verify that, sir.”

“Of course.”

Eli pulls out his wallet, instead of his badge and then he explains, “We're on a recon mission and I don't know who is watching. I don't want anyone to know I'm a cop. Is there any chance you can radio through to my precinct and ask to speak to my Cap? His name is Captain Michaels.”

The patrol officer eyes Eli suspiciously, but heads back to his car to verify the details. When he returns, he says, “I'm sorry for questioning you, Lieutenant.”

“Not at all. I'm glad you're doing your job properly. Is this usually your patch?”

“Yes sir.”

“Maybe you can help me. I'm looking for an alley that has a wall with a big winged skull pictured on it. I know it's not much to go on. It may be a poster or sign...?”

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