Chapter One Hundred Nine

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Chapter One Hundred Nine


After work, Eli and Ash go to my apartment to finish packing up my things. Understandably, I didn't want to go back there. Apparently, Eli said there isn't too much left to do and the removal trucks are picking everything up tomorrow. The apartment is on the market now and Connie says there has been some interest in it. Thankfully, we should have our new house by the middle of next week. We're just waiting for the money to transfer and the paperwork to be signed. Then it'll be our new house and we can move in.

Since the events of the last few days, I am a bit more nervous of this move. I don't know if that is because it's closer and more real or if it's because I feel like things are strained with Eli now. I almost feel like he is lying to me by not telling me about this case. I know it is a stupid thought. How can he be lying if he hasn't said a word? If he denied it then that would be lying, but he hasn't uttered a word. I haven't asked though, so I can't really put all the blame on him. I should be brave enough to ask him, but I just can't bring myself to do it. That's another stupid thing. He's never hurt me so what do I expect him to do if I ask?

While Eli and Ash are out, it's just Connie, Don and myself at the house. We've finished dinner and I'm clearing the plates when Don speaks to Connie.

"Do you still have some paperwork to finish up, dear?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you for reminding me. I'll just finishing tidying up."

"Dani and I have got this, haven't we, Dani?"

I nod in response to his question, but I'm not really paying attention too much. I'm lost in my mind again. I grab the plates from the dinner table and take them in to the kitchen. I'm loading the dishwasher when Don appears in the room. Instead of placing the rest of the items in or around the sink, he leaves them on the side furthest away from me and puts the leftover food into containers to store them in the refrigerator.

I'm so caught up in my thoughts, that I startle when he asks, "Dani? Are you ok?"

"Yes sir."

"Are you sure? You've been very quiet tonight. I know Eli isn't here, but if you want to talk about anything, I'm a good listener. I know it's not the same as Eli, but I'll help wherever I can. I just want you to know that."

I smile a little at him and thank him. We carry on working in silence for a few more minutes. In those minutes I am battling with myself on whether or not I should ask Don if he knows what Eli is up to. It might be easier to ask Don, but it might backfire completely. I don't think Don will hurt me or anything, but it might cause him to ask Eli about it. Then he will know I'm suspicious about the whole thing.

When the silence is almost unbearable, I say, "Don?"

His head snaps toward me and I see that I have his full attention. So I quickly continue before I lose my nerve, "Do you know what case Eli is working on?"

That's as good as any opener to the topic. If he says no, then I can just leave it and we don't have to say anything more about it.

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