Chapter Eighty-Three

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Chapter Eighty-Three


Dani has been so much better this week and we've really been making some great progress. She even admitted that the thought of losing me scared her. She said in all of her bad moments, whether they were memories, withdrawal or what Babkin and his guys did to her recently, the thing that kept coming to the front of her mind was me. I have to admit, that's a pretty amazing feeling. My heart did a big flutter and I'm sure it swelled to twice it's original size. Everything has been so good, that I haven't told her about Babkin being dead. I told the Cap I would tell her when we got home, as long as he made sure Baker and Jones didn't turn up and put their foot in it.

It's now Friday, and Dani gets to come home this afternoon. My ma and pops have got the downstairs bedroom ready. My ma is so excited to have Dani staying there. I think she feels like she can actually do something now. She's taken the day off work to help Dani get ready at the hospital, bringing her clothes and making sure she's cleaned up enough to go home. Although, knowing Dani, she won't want anyone to help her clean up or get dressed. I have told my ma to read the signs Dani gives her and back off whenever she needs to.

The Cap is letting me leave at 2pm, so I can get to the hospital for Dani's discharge. It's almost time to leave when he calls me into his office. I take a seat and he sighs before talking.

“DNA is back.”


“We have matches. We've got the right guys.”

I release a long breath and it feels like a weight that has been sitting on my chest for months has been lifted.

“At last. What now?”

“DA's office will prosecute. I'm going to get Flynn on the case. If anyone can get them to take a deal, it'll be her. It's been a long time coming, but I think we're finally getting the result we want.”

“I hope so. I won't get my hopes up too much until the verdict is in.”

“Understandable. Once that's finished with, you and Scott will need to get together with Greggson. You spoken to Dani yet?”

“No sir. I'll do it soon. I want her to get settled first.”

“She staying with you?”

“At my parents. I think it's safer for now.”

“I agree. Well, tell her I send my regards. Hopefully I'll see her soon.”

“I think she'd like that. She'd like to get back to work. As soon as she can use crutches, she should be more mobile.”

“If she's up to it, then I'll gladly have her back tomorrow. Just as long as she's ready, that's all.”

“Another thing I need to talk to her about. The list gets longer...”

Ash interrupts by knocking on the door. “Sorry. LT, you know the time?”

“Yeah, I'm coming. Anything else, Cap?”

“No, not right now. I just wanted you to be the first to know.”

“Thanks. I'll call in later.”

Ash is coming with me to the hospital. He's excited to see Dani being released and after everything he's done for both of us, I couldn't deny him that request. Surprisingly, Dani was ok when I suggested Ash being there for the big release.

When Ash and I step into Dani's room, my ma is there talking to Dani about cooking some meal. Dani's eyes brighten when she sees me, but then she blushes like she's just realized she's shown extra emotion. I can't help but send her a huge smile in return and a wink. This causes her blush to deepen even more.

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