Chapter Twelve

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Here's chapter twelve. This was really difficult for me to write. I hope that shows through in my writing. It was very emotional. Please vote and comment. I have to thank you all, Tough Love has received over 570 reads. You guys really are awesome. I give you a virtual high five :-D

Chapter Twelve

I just sit in the middle of my bed staring at the locked door. I don't want to sleep because I don't want to dream, but I am so tired. I'm tired in my body, in my mind, and in my heart. I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I know I'm waking up in a cold sweat and Eli is pounding on the door.

“Dani? What's wrong? Dani?!”

I get off the bed with shaky legs and stand by the bedroom door. I place my hand on the cool wood and imagine I can feel Eli's touch, that I'm normal and I'm not scared of his comforting touch. I whisper, “I'm ok, sir.”

“Dani, please open the door.”

I take a deep breath and slowly open the door to reveal a very worried and disheveled Eli. His eyes quickly dart around my room, I guess looking for dangers, before his eyes rest on me. I notice that they soften slightly when he takes in my appearance. He must have known I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, because he says, “Let me make you some tea. Come sit down, sweetheart.”

We are surrounded in complete silence as he makes 2 cups of tea. My breathing seems to be the only thing I can hear as I am overly aware how ragged it is. Eli knows not to put my cup in front of me. He leaves it on the other side of the counter and he moves away, allowing me to reach for the cup. I hold it in my shaking hands, but decide there's a great risk I'm going to spill it so I put it back on the counter and just wrap my hands around it. I suddenly feel freezing cold. Not cold on the outside, cold from the inside out. Like I have a chill all the way through to my bones. I see Eli move, and then a blanket is placed on the counter to the side of me. I whisper a thank you before wrapping the blanket around my shivering body.

Eli sighs and then whispers, “Dani? What's going on? You can't keep this up much longer.”

I choke back a sob, knowing he's right but not wanting to take the plunge and trust someone. Eli is leaning against the refrigerator, watching me intently. I can feel his eyes on me, scrutinizing me, judging me.

“How long are you going to pretend you're fine? How sick do you have to get before you let me in?... Just let me in Danica. Just take a leap of faith and trust me. Just start small. You know deep down that I'm not going to hurt you, don't you? You want to trust me, don't you? Just let go and let me help you.”

A lone tear slides down my cheek and I feel my heart tear just a little more. I can't help but question what Eli wants. I manage to choke out, “Why? What do you want from me?”

He sighs, a deep pain filled sigh. “Why do I have to want anything? Why can't I just want to help? Does everything have to an ulterior motive?”

I stay silent, knowing now isn't a good time to speak.

“Ok, so you're not going to be forthcoming, let me ask you some questions.”

My eyes widen and I'm sure he can see the panic in them, because he says, “Calm down Dani. We'll just start small, ok? Here, take my gun.”

He slides his gun toward me and I quickly snatch it up. I don't know why, but I find the whole gesture a little comforting, like he's starting to have a calming effect on me. I try to take a deep breath and wait for what's coming.

Tough LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora